. 5.2 Maritime boundary delimitation agreements Main article: Republic of Texas William P Hobby Airport (HOU) known as Houston International Airport until 1967 operates primarily short- to medium-haul domestic and international flights to 60 destinations the four-runway 1,304-acre (528-hectare) facility is located approximately 7 miles (11 km) southeast of Downtown Houston in 2015 Southwest Airlines launched service from a new international terminal at Hobby to several destinations in Mexico Central America and the Caribbean These were the first international flights flown from Hobby since the opening of Bush Intercontinental in 1969. Houston's aviation history is showcased in the 1940 Air Terminal Museum located in the old terminal building on the west side of the airport in 2009 Hobby Airport was recognized with two awards for being one of the top five performing airports globally and for customer service by Airports Council International. 1.5 Recent history 12.1 Cities (multiple counties), Houston Texas Business Directory, 9 Media Designed by Renzo Piano the Menil Collection is a contemporary art museum known for its simplicity flexibility open spaces and illumination with natural light located in a small park surrounded by residential housing. Opening in 1986 the 402-foot (123 m)-long two-story-high box of steel wood and glass contains the artwork collection of John and Dominique de Menil. Conquistadors had overwhelming military advantages over the native peoples They belonged to a more militarily advanced civilization with better techniques tools firearms artillery iron steel and domesticated animals Horses and mules carried them pigs fed them and dogs fought for them the indigenous peoples had the advantage of established settlements determination to remain independent and large numerical superiority European diseases and divide and conquer tactics contributed to the defeat of the native populations, 3.2 Flooding Francisco Pizarro meets with the Inca emperor Atahualpa 1532! By 1913 twelve oil companies had located themselves in Houston most notably Humble Oil Company which is now ExxonMobil Howard Hughes was born in Humble Texas where the oil company started President Woodrow Wilson opened the Port of Houston in 1914 74 years after the digging started Service started with the Satilla a ship that ran from Houston to New York New York World War I put the gasoline-combustible automobile into widespread use causing oil to become a precious commodity However the war caused the amount of tonnage arriving in the Port to drop After the war the rice business fell flat causing many Japanese-Americans to find other work or to move out of Texas!
On their return to Goliad Westover's group encountered Governor Viesca After being freed by sympathetic soldiers Viesca had immediately traveled to Texas to recreate the state government Dimmitt welcomed Viesca but refused to recognize his authority as governor This caused an uproar in the garrison as many supported the governor Dimmitt declared martial law and soon alienated most of the local residents. Over the next few months the area between Goliad and Refugio descended into civil war Goliad native Carlos de la Garza led a guerrilla warfare campaign against the Texian troops. According to historian Paul Lack the Texian "antiguerilla tactics did too little to crush out opposition but quite enough to sway the uncommitted toward the centralists.", Land warfare changed from the static front lines of trench warfare of World War I which had relied on improved artillery that outmatched the speed of both infantry and cavalry to increased mobility and combined arms the tank which had been used predominantly for infantry support in the First World War had evolved into the primary weapon in the late 1930s tank design was considerably more advanced than it had been during World War I and advances continued throughout the war with increases in speed armour and firepower.[citation needed] At the start of the war most commanders thought enemy tanks should be met by tanks with superior specifications. This idea was challenged by the poor performance of the relatively light early tank guns against armour and German doctrine of avoiding tank-versus-tank combat This along with Germany's use of combined arms were among the key elements of their highly successful blitzkrieg tactics across Poland and France. Many means of destroying tanks including indirect artillery anti-tank guns (both towed and self-propelled) mines short-ranged infantry antitank weapons and other tanks were used. Even with large-scale mechanisation infantry remained the backbone of all forces and throughout the war most infantry were equipped similarly to World War I the portable machine gun spread a notable example being the German MG34 and various submachine guns which were suited to close combat in urban and jungle settings the assault rifle a late war development incorporating many features of the rifle and submachine gun became the standard postwar infantry weapon for most armed forces, Incorporated cities operate their own police departments. Houston Texas Business Directory Paris Texas (25,151) According to US Census records from 2010 the population of East Texas counties is 65.93% White non-Hispanic 17.44% African American 14.29% Hispanic or Latino origin and 2.34% Other (including Native American and Asian) East Texas' most ethnically and racially diverse county is Jefferson County East Texas' largest county which includes the city of Beaumont with 44.1% White non-Hispanic 34.1% African American 17.7% Hispanic or Latino origin and 4.1% other (including Native American and Asian) Unlike Texas' total state racial demographics only two counties in East Texas have a majority minority Jefferson County in the Golden Triangle and Titus County having a 40.6% Hispanic or Latino origin population East Texas and Southeast Texas have a significant African-American population ranging to nearly 20% in some counties, (17.4) 53.5 (16) 63 Houston's plan to host the 2012 Summer Olympics included renovating the Astrodome for use as a main stadium. Houston became one of the USOC's bid finalists but the organization chose New York City as its candidate city and the Games were ultimately awarded to London by the IOC; Black 12.5% 11.9% 11.5% 11.9% The Axis advance in the Pacific halted in 1942 when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway; later Germany and Italy were defeated in North Africa and then decisively at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union Key setbacks in 1943 which included a series of German defeats on the Eastern Front the Allied invasions of Sicily and Italy and Allied victories in the Pacific cost the Axis its initiative and forced it into strategic retreat on all fronts in 1944 the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and turned toward Germany and its allies During 1944 and 1945 the Japanese suffered major reverses in mainland Asia in Central China South China and Burma while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key Western Pacific islands! 16 External links The Astrodome was designed by architects Hermon Lloyd & W B Morgan and Wilson Morris Crain and Anderson (Morris Architects) Structural engineering and structural design was performed by Walter P Moore Engineers and Consultants of Houston Credit for the design work on the dome roof structural goes to Dr G.R Kiewitt and Mr Louis O Bass of Roof Structures Inc it was constructed by H A Lott Inc for Harris County it stands 18 stories tall covering 9.5 acres (3.8 ha) the dome is 710 feet (220 m) in diameter and the ceiling is 208 feet (63 m) above the playing surface which itself sits 25 feet (7.6 m) below street level. Tomball In 2001 the wreck of U-166 was found in 5,000 feet (1,500 m) of water less than two miles from where it had attacked the Robert E Lee an archaeological survey of the seafloor before construction of a natural gas pipeline led to the discoveries by C & C Marine archaeologists Robert A Church and Daniel J Warren the sonar contacts consisted of two large sections lying approximately 500 feet apart at either end of a debris field that indicated the presence of a U-boat; Contents Further information: List of companies in Houston, Humble ISD 4.5 War breaks out in the Pacific (1941) Vaccinations American 8th Air Force Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombing raid on the Focke-Wulf factory in Germany 9 October 1943!
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