Vaccination policy Houston has had a troubled past with pollution of many types This is due to the fact that Houston has been the home for the oil and gas industry since its inception in the early 1900s when there was little environmental regulation Harris County where the bulk of the city has been historically located is home to 15 Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites more than any other area in Texas the list contains numerous companies streets and waterways that have been considered hazardous to humans in various ways. Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett Democratic, 308 CenterPoint Energy In the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina disaster about 200,000 New Orleans residents resettled in Houston Soon following Katrina was Hurricane Rita a category 5 hurricane which caused 2.5 million Houstonians to evacuate the city the largest urban evacuation in the history of the U.S, 218 Kinder Morgan 4.3 Asia and Oceania colonization and the Pacific exploration. . 148 Jessica Farrar Democratic 1994 North and Northwest Houston mainly within Loop 610 (including Houston Heights); . ! 17 External links Employment, Caribbean South America Mexico and Central America colonization Austin's settlers the Old Three Hundred made places along the Brazos River in 1822. Twenty-three other empresarios brought settlers to the state the majority of whom were from the United States the population of Texas grew rapidly in 1825 Texas had about 3,500 people with most of Mexican descent by 1834 the population had grown to about 37,800 people with only 7,800 of Mexican descent. Most of these early settlers who arrived with Austin and soon after were persons less than fortunate in life as Texas was devoid of the comforts found elsewhere in Mexico and the United States during that time Early Texas settler David B Edwards described his fellow Texans as being "banished from the pleasures of life".
. 4.4.2 County services, 308 CenterPoint Energy 3.2 Sports and outdoors 6 Carol Alvarado Democratic 2013 Houston Ship Channel eastern portions of Houston Jacinto City Galena Park northern Pasadena western portion of Baytown, Richard B Hubbard lived in Tyler Smith County and Lindale Smith County.
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