. News of the defeats sparked the Runaway Scrape where much of the population of Texas and the Texas provisional government fled east away from the approaching Mexican army. Many settlers rejoined the Texian army then commanded by General Sam Houston After several weeks of maneuvering on April 21 1836 the Texian Army attacked Santa Anna's forces near the present-day city of Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. They captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign the Treaties of Velasco ending the war, 1890 37,249 33.1% 3 Residential architecture Native allied troops were largely infantry equipped with armament and armour that varied geographically Some groups consisted of young men without military experience Catholic clergy which helped with administrative duties and soldiers with military training These native forces often included African slaves and Native Americans They not only fought in the battlefield but served as interpreters informants servants teachers physicians and scribes India Catalina and Malintzin were Native American women slaves who worked for the Spaniards. 3.1 Early Portuguese period 6.2 Genocide concentration camps and slave labour As of the 2015 Texas Population Estimate Program the population of the county was 4,530,268 non-Hispanic whites 1,323,437 (29.2%) Black Americans 817,096 (18.0%) Other non-Hispanic 395,206 (8.7%) Hispanics and Latinos (of any race) 1,994,529 (44.0%). On Friday November 22 1963 in Dallas Texas at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC) Lee Harvey Oswald an alienated loner assassinated President John F Kennedy the Texas Governor John B Connally was also shot but survived the episode caused a national outrage focused on right wing elements in Dallas that had long been hostile to Kennedy. For a half-century and more the people of Dallas still struggle with being branded as having some responsibility the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza located where the assassin is believed to have fired the shots has become a historic tourist site. Astrodome interior in 2004, On August 31 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina the Harris County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the State of Louisiana came to an agreement to allow at least 25,000 evacuees from New Orleans especially those that were sheltered in the Louisiana Superdome to move to the Astrodome until they could return home the evacuation began on September 1 2005 All scheduled events for the final four months of 2005 at the Astrodome were cancelled. Overflow refugees were held in the surrounding Reliant Park complex There was a full field hospital inside the Reliant Arena which cared for the entire Katrina evacuee community, Houston Texas Business Directory Libertarian Gary Johnson William Weld 283,492 3.16% 0.
. Port Arthur (53,937) Texas's controversial alternative affirmative action plan Texas House Bill 588 guarantees Texas students who graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class automatic admission to state-funded universities the bill encourages demographic diversity while avoiding problems stemming from the Hopwood v Texas (1996) case, The city has hosted several major professional and college sporting events including the annual Houston Open golf tournament Houston hosts the annual Houston College Classic baseball tournament every February and the Texas Kickoff and Bowl in September and December respectively. 6.2 Playing surface In May 1945 Australian troops landed in Borneo over-running the oilfields there British American and Chinese forces defeated the Japanese in northern Burma in March and the British pushed on to reach Rangoon by 3 May. Chinese forces started a counterattack in the Battle of West Hunan that occurred between 6 April and 7 June 1945 American naval and amphibious forces also moved towards Japan taking Iwo Jima by March and Okinawa by the end of June. At the same time American submarines cut off Japanese imports drastically reducing Japan's ability to supply its overseas forces! .
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