The Perfect Balance
. Literature Houston Texas Business Directory The cattle industry continued to thrive though it gradually became less profitable Cotton and lumber became major industries creating new economic booms in various regions of the state Railroad networks grew rapidly as did the port at Galveston as commerce between Texas and the rest of the U.S (and the rest of the world) expanded As with some other states before the lumber industry quickly decimated the forests of Texas such that by the early 20th century the majority of the forest population in Texas was gone (later conservation efforts restored some of it but never to the level it once was).
. In addition the Chapel of St Basil on the nearby campus of the University of St Thomas is a work of art designed by Philip Johnson that has won many awards for its architecture the Chapel which was built in 1997 contrasts with all of the other buildings on campus as it is made of white stucco and black granite rather than rose-colored brick It is also composed of three geometric forms: the cube the sphere and the plane the cube makes up the majority of the building including the main seating area while a golden semi-sphere dome covered with 23.5 karat gold leaf rises high above the cube the granite plane bisects the cube and opens the chapel to light the cube and plane interplay with the dome creating a sense that the dome is not a cover for the Chapel but rather an opening to the heavens; . . Concerts, Houston the most populous city in the Southern United States is located along the upper Texas Gulf Coast approximately 50 miles (80 km) northwest of the Gulf of Mexico at Galveston the city which is the ninth-largest in the United States by area covers 601.7 square miles (1,558 km2) of which 579.4 square miles (1,501 km2) or 96.3% is land and 22.3 square miles (58 km2) or 3.7% is water, Per the 2010 US census records the ten most populous East Texas cities are:. . The gold brought home from Guinea stimulated the commercial energy of the Portuguese and its European neighbours especially Spain Apart from their religious and scientific aspects these voyages of discovery were highly profitable, In the 16th century perhaps 240,000 Europeans entered American ports. By the late 16th century gold and silver imports from America provided one-fifth of Spain's total budget. In the 18th century there appears to have been some sort of war in the western part of the state whereas most of the tribes of Texas divided along a line the Coahuiltecans at some point would have migrated south to merge with their sister tribes in the 18th century the Creek Confederacy formed on the east coast forcing several smaller Muskogean peoples out of the state They may have migrated to Texas & Mexico where they were absorbed into other tribes the Choctaw also split and one of their four subtribes the Houma came to reside in the eastern region the state before returning to Louisiana!
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The Perfect Balance