In recent years Houston's love affair with the car has cooled somewhat with car usage falling by 15.2% since 1995 and heavy investment in public transport including a light rail system opened in 2004 effectively signalling the return of the streetcar. Houston with a customer base of more than 3 million is AT&T's largest service city the city's telecommunications infrastructure completes more than 70 million Houston telephone connections daily the Texas Public Utilities Commission has certified more than 400 additional local exchange carriers to provide service statewide or specifically within Houston More than 1,600 interexchange carriers have registered with the commission to provide long distance service. On the morning of January 10 1901 Anthony F Lucas an experienced mining engineer drilled the first major oil well at Spindletop a small hill south of Beaumont Texas the East Texas Oil Field discovered on October 5 1930 is located in east central part of the state and is the largest and most prolific oil reservoir in the contiguous United States Other oil fields were later discovered in West Texas and under the Gulf of Mexico the resulting Texas Oil Boom permanently transformed the economy of Texas and led to its most significant economic expansion after the Civil War, The Astrodome was designed by architects Hermon Lloyd & W B Morgan and Wilson Morris Crain and Anderson (Morris Architects) Structural engineering and structural design was performed by Walter P Moore Engineers and Consultants of Houston Credit for the design work on the dome roof structural goes to Dr G.R Kiewitt and Mr Louis O Bass of Roof Structures Inc it was constructed by H A Lott Inc for Harris County it stands 18 stories tall covering 9.5 acres (3.8 ha) the dome is 710 feet (220 m) in diameter and the ceiling is 208 feet (63 m) above the playing surface which itself sits 25 feet (7.6 m) below street level, The successive expeditions and experience of the Portuguese pilots led to a rapid evolution of Portuguese nautical science. . .
. Chamberlain Daladier Hitler Mussolini and Ciano pictured just before signing the Munich Agreement 29 September 1938 According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center 73% of the population of the Houston area identified themselves as Christians about 50% of whom claimed Protestant affiliations and about 19% claimed Roman Catholic affiliations Nationwide about 71% of respondents identified as Christians About 20% of Houston-area residents claimed no religious affiliation compared to about 23% nationwide the same study says that area residents identifying with other religions (including Judaism Buddhism Islam and Hinduism) collectively made up about 7% of the area population. Ironically the Astrodome suffered a rainout on June 15 1976 the Astros' scheduled game against the Pittsburgh Pirates was called when massive flooding in the Houston area prevented all but a few fans from reaching the stadium Both teams had arrived early for practice but the umpires were several hours late at 5pm that day with only a handful of fans on hand and already several hours behind the umpires and teams agreed to call the game off Tables were brought onto the field and the teams ate dinner together. Although the Astros still had a home series with Pittsburgh in August this game was made up in Pittsburgh in July.
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