As of the general elections of 2014 a large majority of the members of Texas's U.S House delegation are Republican along with both U.S Senators in the 114th United States Congress of the 36 Congressional districts in Texas 24 are held by Republicans and 11 by Democrats One seat is vacant Texas's Senators are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz Since 1994 Texans have not elected a Democrat to a statewide office the state's Democratic voters are made up primarily by liberal and minority groups in Austin Beaumont Dallas El Paso Houston and San Antonio as well as minority voters in East and South Texas. In the mid-to-late 1930s Japanese forces in Manchukuo had sporadic border clashes with the Soviet Union and Mongolia the Japanese doctrine of Hokushin-ron which emphasised Japan's expansion northward was favoured by the Imperial Army during this time With the Japanese defeat at Khalkin Gol in 1939 the ongoing Second Sino-Japanese War and ally Nazi Germany pursuing neutrality with the Soviets this policy would prove difficult to maintain Japan and the Soviet Union eventually signed a Neutrality Pact in April 1941 and Japan adopted the doctrine of Nanshin-ron promoted by the Navy which took its focus southward eventually leading to its war with the United States and the Western Allies, Internal politics of the Republic were based on the conflict between two factions the nationalist faction led by Mirabeau B Lamar advocated the continued independence of Texas the expulsion of the Native Americans and the expansion of Texas to the Pacific Ocean Their opponents led by Sam Houston advocated the annexation of Texas to the United States and peaceful co-existence with Native Americans, These Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks underlie most of the state and are exposed in three places: Llano uplift Van Horn and the Franklin Mountains near El Paso Sedimentary rocks overlay most of these ancient rocks the oldest sediments were deposited on the flanks of a rifted continental margin or passive margin that developed during Cambrian time. As of U.S Census figures current as of 1997 9% of residents in Harris County did not own automobiles This figure does not include people who own cars but do not have enough money to repair the automobiles As of that year while the average income of all residents of the county was $41,000 (equivalent to $64,000 in 2018) the average income of households without cars was $13,000 (equivalent to $20,300 in 2018), In August 2005 Houston became a shelter to more than 150,000 people from New Orleans who evacuated from Hurricane Katrina. One month later about 2.5 million Houston-area residents evacuated when Hurricane Rita approached the Gulf Coast leaving little damage to the Houston area This was the largest urban evacuation in the history of the United States in September 2008 Houston was hit by Hurricane Ike As many as 40% of residents refused to leave Galveston Island because they feared the type of traffic problems that had happened after Hurricane Rita. As of 2012 Vietnamese were the largest group of Asians in Harris County As of 1995 most Vietnamese Filipinos and Chinese stated that they were Republicans while most Indians and Pakistanis stated that they were Democrats in 2012 Indians and Pakistanis continue to identify as Democrats while Chinese Filipinos and Vietnamese were increasingly identifying as independents or Democrats; 10.2.3 Obesity prevention 1.3 Republic of Texas Spanish control of Texas was followed by Mexican control of Texas and it can be difficult to separate the Spanish and Mexican influences on the future state the most obvious legacy is that of the language; every major river in modern Texas except the Red River has a Spanish or Anglicized name as do 42 of the state's 254 counties Numerous towns also bear Spanish names, Houston Texas Business Directory Electronic Data Systems headquarters in Plano.
. . The present Alley Theatre building opened in November 1968 and contains two stages the main stage has 824 seats and is called the "Hubbard"; the more intimate 310-seat stage is the "Neuhaus." Outside there are nine towers and open-air terraces Inside a staircase spirals from the entrance vestibule to the second-floor lobby the theatre was constructed in a large part by a $1.4 million grant from the Ford Foundation to support innovative theater architecture and the prime architect on the project was Ulrich Franzen. With the opening of NRG Stadium in late 2002 the events held in early 2002 by AMA Supercross and Monster Jam would be their last in the Astrodome before moving next door for 2003 where they continue to hold events every year. . . .
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