Theater District 3 Demographics Robert Altman's 1970 comedy film Brewster McCloud is set at the Astrodome: the eponymous hero is an eccentric young man who lives at the stadium, General Electric operates an aeroderivative division facility on Jacintoport in unincorporated Harris County. Randall's Food Markets a subsidiary of Safeway Inc has its distribution center in unincorporated Harris County. Ironically the Astrodome suffered a rainout on June 15 1976 the Astros' scheduled game against the Pittsburgh Pirates was called when massive flooding in the Houston area prevented all but a few fans from reaching the stadium Both teams had arrived early for practice but the umpires were several hours late at 5pm that day with only a handful of fans on hand and already several hours behind the umpires and teams agreed to call the game off Tables were brought onto the field and the teams ate dinner together. Although the Astros still had a home series with Pittsburgh in August this game was made up in Pittsburgh in July; ; In the 18th century there appears to have been some sort of war in the western part of the state whereas most of the tribes of Texas divided along a line the Coahuiltecans at some point would have migrated south to merge with their sister tribes in the 18th century the Creek Confederacy formed on the east coast forcing several smaller Muskogean peoples out of the state They may have migrated to Texas & Mexico where they were absorbed into other tribes the Choctaw also split and one of their four subtribes the Houma came to reside in the eastern region the state before returning to Louisiana, Asian: 3.8 percent (1.0 percent Indian 0.8 percent Vietnamese 0.6 percent Chinese 0.4 percent Filipino 0.3 percent Korean 0.1 percent Japanese 0.6 percent other Asian)! 7.4 Religion Low rise granite building composed of three large blocks with horizontal banding it has a large glassed entrance that is rounded at the top.
Reconstruction through 1900 Population demographics and government 1990 1,630,553 2.2% For years Mexican authorities used the reconquering of Texas as an excuse for implementing new taxes and making the army the budgetary priority of the impoverished nation. Only sporadic skirmishes resulted. Larger expeditions were postponed as military funding was consistently diverted to other rebellions out of fear that those regions would ally with Texas and further fragment the country.[Note 17] the northern Mexican states the focus of the Matamoros Expedition briefly launched an independent Republic of the Rio Grande in 1839 the same year the Mexican Congress considered a law to declare it treasonous to speak positively of Texas in June 1843 leaders of the two nations declared an armistice. Cypress-Fairbanks ISD The cattle industry continued to thrive though it gradually became less profitable Cotton and lumber became major industries creating new economic booms in various regions of the state Railroad networks grew rapidly as did the port at Galveston as commerce between Texas and the rest of the U.S (and the rest of the world) expanded As with some other states before the lumber industry quickly decimated the forests of Texas such that by the early 20th century the majority of the forest population in Texas was gone (later conservation efforts restored some of it but never to the level it once was), By late March 1941 Bulgaria and Yugoslavia signed the Tripartite Pact However the Yugoslav government was overthrown two days later by pro-British nationalists Germany responded with simultaneous invasions of both Yugoslavia and Greece commencing on 6 April 1941; both nations were forced to surrender within the month the airborne invasion of the Greek island of Crete at the end of May completed the German conquest of the Balkans. Although the Axis victory was swift bitter and large-scale partisan warfare subsequently broke out against the Axis occupation of Yugoslavia which continued until the end of the war, Located centrally in North America the state is an important transportation hub From the Dallas/Fort Worth area trucks can reach 93 percent of the nation's population within 48 hours and 37 percent within 24 hours. Texas has 33 foreign trade zones (FTZ) the most in the nation in 2004 a combined total of $298 billion of goods passed through Texas FTZs.
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