The 2003 Texas redistricting of Congressional districts led by Republican Tom DeLay was called by the New York Times "an extreme case of partisan gerrymandering" a group of Democratic legislators the "Texas Eleven" fled the state in a quorum-busting effort to prevent the legislature from acting but was unsuccessful the state had already redistricted following the 2000 census Despite these efforts the legislature passed a map heavily in favor of Republicans based on 2000 data and ignoring the estimated nearly one million new residents in the state since that date Career attorneys and analysts at the Department of Justice objected to the plan as diluting the votes of African American and Hispanic voters but political appointees overrode them and approved it. Legal challenges to the redistricting reached the national Supreme Court in the case League of United Latin American Citizens v Perry (2006) but the court ruled in favor of the state (and Republicans), By the start of July 1944 Commonwealth forces in Southeast Asia had repelled the Japanese sieges in Assam pushing the Japanese back to the Chindwin River while the Chinese captured Myitkyina in September 1944 Chinese forces captured Mount Song and reopened the Burma Road in China the Japanese had more successes having finally captured Changsha in mid-June and the city of Hengyang by early August. Soon after they invaded the province of Guangxi winning major engagements against Chinese forces at Guilin and Liuzhou by the end of November and successfully linking up their forces in China and Indochina by mid-December, Background 1.3 Opening and reception Manufacturing and industry 5.2 Tourism and recreation Hofheinz had an opulent apartment in the Dome which was removed when the facility was remodeled in 1988. (39) 103 The recorded history of Texas begins with the arrival of the first Spanish conquistadors in the region of North America now known as Texas in 1519 who found the region occupied by numerous Native American tribes the Native Americans' ancestors had been there for more than 10,000 years as evidenced by the discovery of the remains of prehistoric Leanderthal Lady During the period of recorded history from A.D 1519 to 1848 all or parts of Texas were claimed by five countries: France Spain Mexico the Republic of Texas and the United States of America as well as the confederacy during the the civil war, 1880 16,513 76.0% Administration by judiciary Residents of counties along the Rio Grande closer to the Mexico-United States border where there are many Latino residents generally vote for Democratic Party candidates while most other rural and suburban areas of Texas have shifted to voting for Republican Party candidates, According to the U.S Census Bureau the county has a total area of 1,777 square miles (4,600 km2) of which 1,703 square miles (4,410 km2) is land and 74 square miles (190 km2) (4.2%) is covered by water. Both its total area and land area are larger than the state of Rhode Island. Rose Hill 3 Demographics 4.3 Texas Convention of 1836, Game of the Century In 1973 the Astros installed an all-AstroTurf infield except for dirt cutouts around the bases This "sliding pit" configuration was introduced by Cincinnati with the opening of Riverfront Stadium on June 30 1970 it was then installed in the new stadiums in Philadelphia in 1971 and Kansas City in 1973 the artificial turf fields of Pittsburgh St Louis and San Francisco all installed in 1970 were traditionally configured like the Astrodome and later changed to sliding pits San Francisco converted in 1971 Pittsburgh in 1973 and St Louis in 1978 Rogers Centre in Toronto was the last park in the majors that had sliding pits; it opened in 1989 and switched to a traditional dirt skin infield in 2016. .
; On 11 July Allied leaders met in Potsdam Germany They confirmed earlier agreements about Germany and the American British and Chinese governments reiterated the demand for unconditional surrender of Japan specifically stating that "the alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction". During this conference the United Kingdom held its general election and Clement Attlee replaced Churchill as Prime Minister. . Automobiles of all kinds have had enormous influence on Houston culture largely a result of the urban sprawl and sparse public transportation that has followed the dismantling of the city's former trolley system Many of the Houston's business districts such as Uptown and Greenspoint began their development as edge cities Furthermore many notable neighborhoods began as streetcar suburbs including the Heights and Sharpstown, 5.2 Water pollution 7 Education Austin The sedimentary layers underneath Houston ultimately extend down some 60,000 feet (18,000 m) with the oldest beds deposited during the Cretaceous. Between 30,000 feet (9,100 m) and 40,000 feet (12,000 m) below the surface is a layer of salt the primary source of salt domes which dot the metropolitan area. Since salt is more buoyant than other sediments it rises to the surface creating domes and anticlines and causing subsidence due to its removal from its original strata. These structures manage to capture oil and gas as it percolates through the subsurface; Pierce Junction is a notable example of a heavily drilled salt dome oil field in Houston. East Texas outcrops consist of Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments which contain important deposits of Eocene lignite the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sediments in the north; Permian sediments in the west; and Cretaceous sediments in the east along the Gulf coast and out on the Texas continental shelf contain oil Oligocene volcanic rocks are found in far west Texas in the Big Bend area a blanket of Miocene sediments known as the Ogallala formation in the western high plains region is an important aquifer. Located far from an active plate tectonic boundary Texas has no volcanoes and few earthquakes, Over the next several hours two brief skirmishes occurred Texians won the first forcing a small group of dragoons and the Mexican artillery to withdraw. Mexican dragoons then forced the Texian cavalry to withdraw in the melee Rusk on foot to reload his rifle was almost captured by Mexican soldiers but was rescued by newly arrived Texian volunteer Mirabeau B Lamar. Over Houston's objections many infantrymen rushed onto the field As the Texian cavalry fell back Lamar remained behind to rescue another Texian who had been thrown from his horse; Mexican officers "reportedly applauded" his bravery. Houston was irate that the infantry had disobeyed his orders and given Santa Anna a better estimate of their strength; the men were equally upset that Houston hadn't allowed a full battle. 4 Government and politics The Hobby Center The Gulf contains a hypoxic dead zone that runs by east-west along the Texas-Louisiana coastline in July 2008 researchers reported that between 1985 and 2008 the area roughly doubled in size and now stretches from near Galveston Texas to near Venice Louisiana It is now about 8,000 square miles (21,000 km2) nearly the record. Poor agricultural practices in the northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico have led to a tremendous increase of nitrogen and phosphorus in neighboring marine ecosystems which has resulted in algae blooms and a lack of available oxygen Occurrences of masculinization and estrogen suppression were observed as a result an October 2007 study of the Atlantic croaker found a disproportioned sex ratio of 61% males to 39% females in hypoxic Gulf sites This was compared with a 52% to 48% male-female ratio found in reference sites showing an impairment of reproductive output for fish populations inhabiting hypoxic coastal zones.