On August 19 1995 a scheduled preseason game between the Oilers and the San Diego Chargers had to be canceled due to the dilapidated condition of the playing field Oilers owner Bud Adams demanded a new stadium but the city of Houston refused to fund it After years of threats Adams moved the team to Tennessee after the 1996 season. Around that time the Astros also threatened to leave the city unless a new ballpark was built the retractable-roofed Enron Field (now known as Minute Maid Park) opened for the 2000 season in downtown Houston, On July 1 2013 the North Forest Independent School District closed and its territory became a part of Houston ISD, Design and construction West University Place. ! 11.5 World War II The 18-story Prudential Building designed by Kenneth Franzheim was constructed in 1952 in the Texas Medical Center the ground level walls of the Prudential Building were clad with deep red polished Texas granite; the upper floors on the northwest and northeast sides were clad in Texas limestone the southwest and southeast sides though were faced with full-height aluminum arrangements to "utilize solar rays and air circulation to effect economies in air conditioning." the building was the first local corporate high rise office building in Houston to be located outside of the central business district the Prudential Building was demolished January 8 2012, Prenatal care is the best way to prevent preterm births and low birth weight babies. Unfortunately in 2016 only 65% of pregnant women in Texas had access to prenatal care in their first trimester. Women being unaware of their pregnancies economic hardship due to inability to work during pregnancy lack of knowledge or access to health services and difficulty finding transportation are contributing factors to this alarmingly low rate. Texas has also seen significant disparities in who receives prenatal care - 75% of White women and only 55% of Black women received prenatal care during their first trimester. Although women covered by Medicaid are supposed to automatically transition into the Healthy Texas Women program for postpartum coverage this transition does not always take place. Blues music developed throughout the Southern United States where several areas developed distinctive regional sounds Houston's distinctive sound grew in the 1920 with early influencers like Lightnin' Hopkins and T-Bone Walker the sound matured over the next 50 years during which it became known as Texas blues the style would gain international notoriety in the modern era when it was adopted by popular regional rockers Stevie Ray Vaughan and ZZ Top among others; .
; Cabral's voyage to Brazil and India 1500 Concrete building in two sections each with a five-sided tower on the ends One is a curved and windowless the other looks like a theater entrance with rounded marquee shapes and glassed entrance, Administration by judiciary 2.1 The Early 1900s Ironically the Astrodome suffered a rainout on June 15 1976 the Astros' scheduled game against the Pittsburgh Pirates was called when massive flooding in the Houston area prevented all but a few fans from reaching the stadium Both teams had arrived early for practice but the umpires were several hours late at 5pm that day with only a handful of fans on hand and already several hours behind the umpires and teams agreed to call the game off Tables were brought onto the field and the teams ate dinner together. Although the Astros still had a home series with Pittsburgh in August this game was made up in Pittsburgh in July. . Tourism and recreation The Axis advance in the Pacific halted in 1942 when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway; later Germany and Italy were defeated in North Africa and then decisively at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union Key setbacks in 1943 which included a series of German defeats on the Eastern Front the Allied invasions of Sicily and Italy and Allied victories in the Pacific cost the Axis its initiative and forced it into strategic retreat on all fronts in 1944 the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and turned toward Germany and its allies During 1944 and 1945 the Japanese suffered major reverses in mainland Asia in Central China South China and Burma while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key Western Pacific islands, The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo came in 1932 in 1934 Houston Junior College became a four-year institution and changed its name to the University of Houston a flood in 1935 suddenly turned conditions for the worst and Houstonians were forced to clean up the mess Air service by Braniff Airways and Eastern Air Lines came in 1935 and 1936 By the end of the decade Houston was encountering growth pains as the city had inadequate air service and that it was no longer a frontier town Houston became the largest city in Texas in terms of population in 1939 Many immigrants and African-Americans from Louisiana and other parts of Texas moved to the city to find education or work the city obtained a very multicultural atmosphere with large African-American and immigrant communities scattered about However African-Americans faced bad housing and poor jobs during this time period Nevertheless African-American society developed so much that the city was and still is the African-American capital of Texas the University of Houston moved to its present-day location donated by the Cullen family off of what would later be the first freeway in Houston U.S Highway 75 (now called Interstate 45) or Gulf Freeway, Economic and demographic change Black or African American: 11.8 percent. . Main article: Western Front (World War II) Three exterior pedestrian ramp towers were demolished on December 8 2013 Around that time the ramp bridges were disconnected from the main structure and the surrounding grass berms were lowered the ticket booths were also removed along with the interior seats the demolition was planned prior to the referendum. Houston's third municipal airport is Ellington Airport used by the military government (including NASA) and general aviation sectors, 12.1 1950s Texas drought Media University of Houston Est 2018 2,464,124 17.3% Texas Tech University. Democrats regain control after Reconstruction In 1874 Houston's first permanent public transit system began to be operated by the Houston City Street Railway Company. From 1874 until 1891 all of the transit service was operated using mule-driven streetcars when electric streetcars began to be implemented in their place the conversion to electric streetcars was completed in 1892.
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