The Crown reserved for itself important tools of intervention the "capitulacion" clearly stated that the conquered territories belonged to the Crown not to the individual on the other hand concessions allowed the Crown to guide the Companies conquests to certain territories depending on their interests in addition the leader of the expedition received clear instructions about their duties towards the army the native population the type of military action a written report about the results was mandatory the army had a royal official the "veedor" the "veedor" or notary ensured they complied with orders and instructions and preserved the King's share of the booty. .
Main article: Climate of Houston Though Houston is the largest city in the United States without formal zoning regulations it has developed similarly to other Sun Belt cities because the city's land use regulations and legal covenants have played a similar role. Regulations include mandatory lot size for single-family houses and requirements that parking be available to tenants and customers Such restrictions have had mixed results Though some have blamed the city's low density urban sprawl and lack of pedestrian-friendliness on these policies the city's land use has also been credited with having significant affordable housing sparing Houston the worst effects of the 2008 real estate crisis the city issued 42,697 building permits in 2008 and was ranked first in the list of healthiest housing markets for 2009. .
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