. . . . Thomas Jefferson Rusk settled in Nacogdoches Nacogdoches County and was also a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas; Houston's plan to host the 2012 Summer Olympics included renovating the Astrodome for use as a main stadium. Houston became one of the USOC's bid finalists but the organization chose New York City as its candidate city and the Games were ultimately awarded to London by the IOC. 5 Fort Worth Tarrant 854,113 The first major skyscraper to be constructed in Houston was the 50-floor 714-foot (218 m) tall One Shell Plaza in 1971 a succession of skyscrapers were built throughout the 1970s culminating with Houston's tallest the 75-floor 1,002-foot (305 m) tall JPMorgan Chase Tower (formerly the Texas Commerce Tower) designed by I M Pei and completed in 1982 As of 2010 it is the tallest man-made structure in Texas the twelfth-tallest building in the United States and the forty-eighth-tallest skyscraper in the world, Houston Texas Business Directory As early as 1837 the Republic made several attempts to negotiate annexation with the United States. Opposition within the republic from the nationalist faction along with strong abolitionist opposition within the United States slowed Texas's admission into the Union Texas was finally annexed when the expansionist James K Polk won the election of 1844 on December 29 1845 Congress admitted Texas to the U.S as a constituent state of the Union.
Harris County also has a constable for each of its eight precincts and hundreds of deputies assigned to each They mainly serve in a patrol function established to maintain peace in the county as well as providing security to county buildings such as court houses and district attorney's offices. Source: Fortune The Golden Triangle is an area of extreme Southeast Texas near the Louisiana border the "triangle" is formed by Beaumont Port Arthur and Orange which are the largest cities in the area "Golden" refers to the wealth that came from the Spindletop oil strike near Beaumont in 1901 in an attempt to distance the area from the petrochemical industry some area interests attempted to rename the Golden Triangle as the "Triplex." This name change did not catch on and local residents still refer to it as the Golden Triangle Some residents of the Golden Triangle do not consider the Greater Houston area to be part of Southeast Texas and place the western boundary of the region approximately at the Trinity River which is roughly 30 miles from downtown Houston. Spring 10 Retail, Huffman The Museum of East Texas opened in Lufkin in 1976 under the name Lufkin Historical and Creative Arts Center, Smith County (209,714) Houston Texas Business Directory. Geologists and other Earth scientists agree in general that the present Gulf of Mexico basin originated in Late Triassic time as the result of rifting within Pangea the rifting was associated with zones of weakness within Pangea including sutures where the Laurentia South American and African plates collided to create it First there was a Late Triassic-Early Jurassic phase of rifting during which rift valleys formed and filled with continental red beds Second as rifting progressed through Early and Middle Jurassic time continental crust was stretched and thinned This thinning created a broad zone of transitional crust which displays modest and uneven thinning with block faulting and a broad zone of uniformly thinned transitional crust which is half the typical 40 kilometer thickness of normal continental crust it was at this time that rifting first created a connection to the Pacific Ocean across central Mexico and later eastward to the Atlantic Ocean This flooded the opening basin to create the Gulf of Mexico as an enclosed marginal sea While the Gulf of Mexico was a restricted basin the subsiding transitional crust was blanketed by the widespread deposition of Louann Salt and associated anhydrite evaporites During the Late Jurassic continued rifting widened the Gulf of Mexico and progressed to the point that sea-floor spreading and formation of oceanic crust occurred at this point sufficient circulation with the Atlantic Ocean was established that the deposition of Louann Salt ceased. Seafloor spreading stopped at the end of Jurassic time about 145-150 million years ago, 3.1 European exploration Main article: Second Italo-Ethiopian War, Arts Houston panorama c 1910! !
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