. In January 1790 the Comanche also helped the Spanish fight a large battle against the Mescalero and Lipan Apaches at Soledad Creek west of San Antonio the Apaches were resoundingly defeated and the majority of the raids stopped. By the end of the 18th century only a small number of the remaining hunting and gathering tribes within Texas had not been Christianized in 1793 mission San Antonio de Valero was secularized and the following year the four remaining missions at San Antonio were partially secularized. . . ; . . .
Various consulates are located in the county mostly within the city of Houston Matthew McConaughey Longview Gregg County Houston is considered to be a politically divided city whose balance of power often sways between Republicans and Democrats Much of the city's wealthier areas vote Republican while the city's working class and minority areas vote Democratic According to the 2005 Houston Area Survey 68 percent of non-Hispanic whites in Harris County are declared or favor Republicans while 89 percent of non-Hispanic blacks in the area are declared or favor Democrats About 62 percent of Hispanics (of any race) in the area are declared or favor Democrats the city has often been known to be the most politically diverse city in Texas a state known for being generally conservative. As a result the city is often a contested area in statewide elections in 2009 Houston became the first U.S city with a population over 1 million citizens to elect a gay mayor by electing Annise Parker. Since 1980 most Texas voters have supported Republican presidential candidates in 2000 and 2004 Republican George W Bush won Texas with respectively 59.3 and 60.1 percent of the vote partly due to his "favorite son" status as a former governor of the state John McCain won the state in 2008 but with a smaller margin of victory compared to Bush at 55 percent of the vote Austin Dallas Houston and San Antonio consistently lean Democratic in both local and statewide elections, The size and unique history of Texas make its regional affiliation debatable; it can be fairly considered a Southern or a Southwestern state or both the vast geographic economic and cultural diversity within the state itself prohibits easy categorization of the whole state into a recognized region of the United States Notable extremes range from East Texas which is often considered an extension of the Deep South to Far West Texas which is generally acknowledged to be part of the interior Southwest, Jersey Village 9.2 Historiography Houston: Where Seventeen Railroads Meet the Sea. Energy Colleges and universities 2.7 1970s and integration Adrian Peterson Palestine Anderson county Ironically the Astrodome suffered a rainout on June 15 1976 the Astros' scheduled game against the Pittsburgh Pirates was called when massive flooding in the Houston area prevented all but a few fans from reaching the stadium Both teams had arrived early for practice but the umpires were several hours late at 5pm that day with only a handful of fans on hand and already several hours behind the umpires and teams agreed to call the game off Tables were brought onto the field and the teams ate dinner together. Although the Astros still had a home series with Pittsburgh in August this game was made up in Pittsburgh in July. . 4.6 Motorsports Notwithstanding the concentration of elite medical centers in the state the Commonwealth Fund ranks the Texas healthcare system the third worst in the nation. Texas ranks close to last in access to healthcare quality of care avoidable hospital spending and equity among various groups. Causes of the state's poor rankings include politics a high poverty rate and the highest rate of illegal immigration in the nation in May 2006 Texas initiated the program "code red" in response to the report the state had 25.1 percent of the population without health insurance the largest proportion in the nation. Research shows that adolescents who see alcohol use in advertisements television shows and movies are more likely to start drinking alcohol at a younger age Drinking at a young age is correlated with long-term alcohol abuse. Other famous and notable East Texans, In the East the intended gains of Lebensraum were never attained as fluctuating front-lines and Soviet scorched earth policies denied resources to the German invaders. Unlike in the West the Nazi racial policy encouraged extreme brutality against what it considered to be the "inferior people" of Slavic descent; most German advances were thus followed by mass executions. Although resistance groups formed in most occupied territories they did not significantly hamper German operations in either the East or the West until late 1943.
Northern Arizona University