! ; . In July 2015 BP reached an $18.7bn settlement with the US government the states of Alabama Florida Louisiana Mississippi and Texas as well as 400 local authorities to date BP's cost for the clean-up environmental and economic damages and penalties has reached $54bn, Cities (multiple counties), 10 Infrastructure (17.6) 70.9 Houston has introduced many programs since the 2000 federal order to reduce air pollution in the city.[citation needed] the most notable project was the METRORail light rail system constructed in 2004 the light rail system was designed to encourage Houstonians to utilize public transportation instead of their automobiles.
Media Bunker Hill Village The space shuttle atop its Boeing 747 flying over NASA's Johnson Space Center Per the American Community Survey's 2013-2017 estimates Houston's age distribution was 569,656 under 18; 1,697,680 aged 18 to 20; 1,611,185 aged 21 to 61; 288,654 aged 62 to 64; and 228,460 aged 65 and older the median age was 32.9 down from 33.5 in 2014; the city's youthfulness has been attributed to an influx of an African American New Great Migration Hispanic or Latin American and Asian immigrants into Texas for every 100 females there were 100.3 males. Commissioner Precinct 1 Rodney Ellis Democratic, Houston Texas Business Directory, Groundwater Located centrally in North America the state is an important transportation hub From the Dallas/Fort Worth area trucks can reach 93 percent of the nation's population within 48 hours and 37 percent within 24 hours. Texas has 33 foreign trade zones (FTZ) the most in the nation in 2004 a combined total of $298 billion of goods passed through Texas FTZs. Main article: List of ports in the United States US President Franklin D Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill seated at the Casablanca Conference January 1943, While technological superiority and cultural factors played an important role in the victories of the conquistadors in the Americas their conquest was greatly facilitated by old world diseases: smallpox chicken pox diphtheria typhus influenza measles malaria and yellow fever the diseases were carried to distant tribes and villages This typical path of disease transmission moved much faster than the conquistadors so that as they advanced resistance weakened.[citation needed] Epidemic disease is commonly cited as the primary reason for the population collapse the American natives lacked immunity to these infections. Nuclear Gadget being raised to the top of the detonation "shot tower" at Alamogordo Bombing Range; Trinity nuclear test New Mexico July 1945. The gulf's warm water temperature can feed powerful Atlantic hurricanes causing extensive human death and other destruction as happened with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in the Atlantic a hurricane will draw up cool water from the depths and making it less likely that further hurricanes will follow in its wake (warm water being one of the preconditions necessary for their formation) However the Gulf is shallower; when a hurricane passes over the water temperature may drop but it soon rebounds and becomes capable of supporting another tropical storm; METRO put in light rail service on January 1 2004 Voters have decided by a close margin (52% Yes to 48% No) that METRO's light rail shall be expanded!
Houston Baptist University