Contents 1.3 Republic of Texas Harris County ESD #50 Dual Channelview FD 1% .05 The Southwest Freeway near Downtown Houston lies under water due to flooding from Tropical Storm Allison. . Houston Texas Business Directory Away from the coast the terrain begins to exhibit the rolling hills of East and Central Texas Toward Central Texas the mixed pine and hardwood forests give way to the East Central Texas forests of post oak and grasslands, General Douglas MacArthur returns to the Philippines during the Battle of Leyte 20 October 1944. Other Christian 1 The Harris County Sheriff's Office operates jail facilities and is the primary provider of law enforcement services to the unincorporated areas of the county the sheriff is the conservator of the peace in the county the Harris County jail facilities are in northern downtown on the north side of the Buffalo Bayou the 1200 Jail the 1307 Jail (originally a TDCJ facility leased by the county) and the 701 Jail (formed from existing warehouse storage space) are on the same site. Racial violence continued by whites against blacks as they enforced white supremacy Despite this freedmen pursued education organized new churches and fraternal organizations and entered politics winning local offices By the 1890s more than 100,000 blacks were voting in state elections in 1896 and 1898 Republican Robert B Hawley was elected to Congress from the state by a plurality when most white voters split between the Democratic and Populist parties Democrats were determined to end competition by Republicans and Populists and reviewed what other Southern states were doing to disenfranchise blacks and poor whites Mississippi's new constitution of 1890 had survived a Supreme Court case although in practice it was highly discriminatory against freedmen.
Houston Texas Business Directory, Diego de Ordaz (Venezuela 1532), Commerce This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (July 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this template message); . . . The Niels Esperson Building stood as the tallest building in Houston from 1927 to 1929 Lady Bird Taylor Johnson around age three in East Texas. .
Lynn Alan Palmer, DDS