The largest proposed development was Houston Center originally planned to encompass a 32-block area However by 1989 when the company that acquired the original developer sold Houston Center the complex consisted of three office buildings a shopping center and a hotel. Other large projects included the Cullen Center Allen Center and towers for Shell Oil Company the surge of skyscrapers mirrored the skyscraper booms in other sunbelt cities such as Los Angeles and Dallas Houston had experienced another downtown construction spurt in the 1970s with the energy industry boom, 4.2 Goliad Campaign Recently developed tree-ring evidence shows that the illness which reduced the population in Aztec Mexico was aided by a great drought in the 16th century and which continued through the arrival of the Spanish conquest. This has added to the body of epidemiological evidence indicating that cocoliztli epidemics (Nahuatl name for viral haemorrhagic fever) were indigenous fevers transmitted by rodents and aggravated by the drought the cocoliztli epidemic from 1545 to 1548 killed an estimated 5 to 15 million people or up to 80% of the native population the cocoliztli epidemic from 1576 to 1578 killed an estimated additional 2 to 2.5 million people or about 50% of the remainder. .
. Houston Texas Business Directory, William P Hobby born in Moscow Polk County, Disenfranchisement 6.3 Seating capacity Seasonal observation. . . Houston Texas Business Directory Mass transit Previously a largely rural area East Texas became more urban as workers were recruited for the oil shipbuilding and aircraft industries East Texans made many contributions to the war effort both at home and in the armed forces High schools had patriotic programs as well but so many teachers and older students left for the military or for defense jobs that budgets were cut programs dropped and the curriculum had to be scaled down Hospitals reported a shortage of supplies and medical personnel as many doctors and most of the younger nurses joined the services; . 2 Geography and climate Galveston Bay Ezekiel W Cullen Building at the University of Houston, The Crown reserved for itself important tools of intervention the "capitulacion" clearly stated that the conquered territories belonged to the Crown not to the individual on the other hand concessions allowed the Crown to guide the Companies conquests to certain territories depending on their interests in addition the leader of the expedition received clear instructions about their duties towards the army the native population the type of military action a written report about the results was mandatory the army had a royal official the "veedor" the "veedor" or notary ensured they complied with orders and instructions and preserved the King's share of the booty.
Dallas County Community College