Stafford 6.4 Home fronts and production Rivers Main article: French colonization of Texas, The Theater District a 17-block area in the heart of downtown Houston is home to Bayou Place Entertainment Complex restaurants movies plazas and parks Bayou Place is a large multilevel building that is home to restaurants bars live music billiards theatres and art house films the Houston Verizon Wireless Theatre stages a variety of live concerts and the Angelika Theatre presents the latest in art foreign and independent films; ; .
. 29 CenterPoint Energy 279 Map of Houston 1913 Houston Astros MLB Baseball Minute Maid Park 2000 42,060 3.9 Automobile ownership (31) 93 Position Name Party Main article: Government of Texas. Miranda Lambert in the press room at the 2010 Academy of Country Music Awards in April 2010, According to Children at Risk a local nonprofit research organization 21% of the Harris County children live in poverty 6.5 per 1,000 die before age one and 38% drop out of high school. White American 70.4 percent (Non-Hispanic whites 45.3 percent), Houston is one of few United States cities with permanent professional resident companies in all major performing arts disciplines: opera (Houston Grand Opera) ballet (Houston Ballet) music (Houston Symphony Orchestra) and theater (The Alley Theatre Theatre Under the Stars). Houston is also home to folk artists art groups and various small progressive arts organizations, Contents Other elected positions in Harris County include a County Attorney a County Clerk a District Attorney a District Clerk a Sheriff 8 Constables a Tax Assessor-Collector a County Treasurer and every judge in the county except municipal judges who are appointed by the mayors and confirmed by city councils of their respective cities. . ! Contents In the late 1990s and early 2000s decade there was a mini-boom of mid-rise and high-rise residential tower construction with several over 30 stories tall. Since 2000 more than 30 high-rise buildings have gone up in Houston; all told 72 high-rises tower over the city which adds up to about 8,300 units.
CHCP- The College of Health Care Professions