If you’ve been arrested for a criminal offense, you need legal advice and strong representation.
When a person is arrested for a crime, the best next step after jail release is to consult with an experienced Austin criminal defense lawyer to learn everything you can about your legal options and whether or not you can avoid conviction for the offense.
Once in handcuffs, it becomes painfully evident that you’re in a detrimental situation. If convicted of a crime, your freedom will be in jeopardy, you might be on the hook for hefty monetary fines, and you may fall victim to the barriers that the formation of a criminal record will create.
With sound legal representation as by Austin criminal defense attorney Jackson F. Gorski, you’ll have an opportunity to learn more about your rights, uncover if the police have any viable evidence against you, and one of the best chances to avoid the fate of defendants found guilty in Travis County.
The Texians began their retreat on March 19 the pace was unhurried and after travelling only 4 miles (6.4 km) the group stopped for an hour to rest and allow the oxen to graze. Urrea's troops caught up to the Texians later that afternoon while Fannin and his force of about 300 men were crossing a prairie. Having learned from the fighting at Refugio Urrea was determined that the Texians would not reach the cover of timber approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 km) ahead along Coleto Creek as Mexican forces surrounded them the Texians formed a tight hollow square for defense. They repulsed three charges during this battle of Coleto resulting in about nine Texians killed and 51 wounded including Fannin Urrea lost 50 men with another 140 wounded Texians had little food no water and declining supplies of ammunition but voted to not try to break for the timber as they would have had to leave the wounded behind. . 1.3 Galveston Bay William Henry Huddle: Surrender of Santa Anna (1886; Texas State Capitol Austin). . . .
7 Further reading 3 History, On April 9 2018 the Astrodome was used as a museum for the event known as "Domecoming". Mexican Texas Webster Houston Texas Business Directory, Main article: Religion in Houston In 1534 the explorer French Jacques Cartier described and mapped the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the shores of the Saint Lawrence River.
Law Office of Jackson F Gorski
If you’ve been arrested for a criminal offense, you need legal advice and strong representation.