Trinity University

1 Trinity Place, Bexar County, San Antonio 78212, Texas, Bexar County, United States

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Make friends. Share talents. Serve others.

Home to more than 2,500 students, Trinity is rooted in the liberal arts and sciences with pre-professional programs. The University is guided by a mission and set of values that place the student experience at its core. As a community that both honors our past and shapes our future, we strive to live our values in everything we do.

 Enduring Excellence
We hold ourselves to the highest standard, challenging and supporting each other to thrive in a world of rapid change.

 Intentional Inclusion
We connect across differences, acting with radical empathy and nurturing enduring relationships.

 Perpetual Discovery
We inspire lifelong curiosity, creating new knowledge through deep and meaningful thought and action.

1 Trinity Place, Bexar County, San Antonio 78212, Texas, Bexar County, United States
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