. . . 5 Geography A birth is considered preterm when it takes place more than 3 weeks before the estimated due date. Preterm birth rates in Texas are consistently higher than the nationwide rate in 2016 10.4% of live births in Texas were preterm the rate for Black mothers specifically was elevated - 13.6%. Numerous factors have been associated with premature birth including lack of prenatal care race obesity smoking and even air pollution, Texans also enjoy the rodeo the world's first rodeo was hosted in Pecos Texas the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is the largest rodeo in the world it begins with trail rides that begin from several points throughout the state that convene at Reliant Park the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show in Fort Worth is the oldest continuously running rodeo incorporating many of the state's most historic traditions into its annual events Dallas hosts the State Fair of Texas each year at Fair Park.
The most commonly abused substance in Texas is alcohol the rate of binge drinking in males in Texas is comparable to that of males in the United States in 2017 22.4% of adult males in Texas reported binge drinking as compared to 22.1% of males in the United States. Less than 12% of females adults in Texas reported binge drinking. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can lead to a variety of health issues including liver damage heart problems cancer and depression. Further 61% of high school students in Texas have tried alcohol and 17% of Texas high school students had their first drink before the age of 13; Allies close in (1944) The Spanish introduced European livestock including cattle horses and mules to Texas as early as the 1690s. These herds grazed heavily on the native grasses allowing mesquite which was native to the lower Texas coast to spread inland Spanish farmers also introduced tilling and irrigation to the land further changing the landscape, Harris County ESD #46 Dual Atascocita VFD 1% .08 Houston contains few naturally-formed lakes Lake Houston an 11,854-acre (4,797-hectare) reservoir located approximately 15 miles (24 km) northeast of Downtown was created by damming the San Jacinto River in the 1950s to create a dependable long-term supply of drinking water the lake is owned and operated by the City of Houston. Besides supplying water to the city the lake is also a central feature of the Kingwood community and serves as a recreational destination. Low flat-roofed rectangular open marble structure has slender eight-story rectangular columns Visible within is a large circular windowless building, 16.8 Reconstruction the Pueblo from the upper Rio Grande region centered west of Texas; Klein ISD Demand on Texas oil increased and many people from the northeast moved to Houston to profit from the trade Pasadena has refineries and the Port of Houston is among the busiest in the world Since the 1980s oil bust the Houston area aimed to diversify its industries. Katy (partly in Fort Bend and Waller counties), Williams Tower In the 1870s white Democrats wrested power back in the state legislature from the biracial coalition at the end of Reconstruction in the early 20th century the legislature passed bills to impose poll taxes followed by white primaries; these measures effectively disfranchised most blacks poor whites and Mexican Americans in the 1890s 100,000 blacks voted in the state; by 1906 only 5,000 could vote. As a result the Democratic Party dominated Texas politics from the turn of the century imposing racial segregation and white supremacy it held power until after passage in the mid-1960s of national civil rights legislation enforcing constitutional rights of all citizens; Hufsmith As news of the Alamo's fall spread volunteer ranks swelled reaching about 1,400 men on March 19. Houston learned of Fannin's defeat on March 20 and realized his army was the last hope for an independent Texas Concerned that his ill-trained and ill-disciplined force would only be good for one battle and aware that his men could easily be outflanked by Urrea's forces Houston continued to avoid engagement to the immense displeasure of his troops by March 28 the Texian army had retreated 120 miles (190 km) across the Navidad and Colorado Rivers. Many troops deserted; those who remained grumbled that their commander was a coward.
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