. German SS soldiers from the Dirlewanger Brigade tasked with suppressing the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi occupation August 1944; 2.1 Theater District In 2004 the Astrodome was the setting of the 1988 5A Football State Championship in the movie Friday Night Lights between the Permian Panthers and the Carter High Cowboys, Harris County ESD #50 Dual Channelview FD 1% .05 December 24 snowstorm shown on satellite.
; Houston had 303 homicides in 2015 and 302 homicides in 2016 Officials predicted there would be 323 homicides in 2016 Instead there was no increase in Houston's homicide rate between 2015 and 2016.[discuss]. Spanish Mastiff used in expeditions and guard All of East Texas also lies within the Gulf Coastal Plain but with less uniformity than the climate with rolling hills in the north and flat coastal plains in the south Local vegetation also varies from north to south with the lower third consisting of the temperate grassland extending from South Texas to South Louisiana the northern two-thirds of the region is dominated by temperate forest known as the Piney Woods which extends over 23,500 square miles (61,000 km2) the Piney Woods are part of a much larger region of pine-hardwood forest that extends into Louisiana Arkansas and Oklahoma the Piney Woods area thins out as it nears the Gulf of Mexico West of the Piney Woods are the ranchlands and remnant oak forests of the East Central Texas forests ecoregion, Rita (2005) Beginning around the mid-20th century Texas began to transform from a rural and agricultural state to one urban and industrialized the state's population grew quickly during this period with large levels of migration from outside the state. As a part of the Sun Belt Texas experienced strong economic growth particularly during the 1970s and early 1980s. Texas's economy diversified lessening its reliance on the petroleum industry by 1990 Hispanics overtook blacks to become the largest minority group in the state; As a result of the Obama sweep in 2008 many Democratic candidates in contests for lower-level offices also benefited and many Republican incumbents were replaced by Democrats in the Harris County courthouse Some of the defeated Republican district court judges were later re-appointed to vacant District Court benches by Governor Rick Perry in 2018 Democrats swept the court capturing all 59 seats on the civil criminal family juvenile and probate courts, Two freshwater aquifers the Chicot and Evangeline underlie the Greater Houston area These aquifers are composed mostly of sand and clay the Chicot is located above the Evangeline and a confining layer separates them from the Jasper aquifer below which is mostly saltwater a majority of drinking water supply wells in Houston are drilled to depths between 1,000 feet (300 m) and 2,000 feet (610 m). . The 2003 Texas redistricting of Congressional districts led by Republican Tom DeLay was called by the New York Times "an extreme case of partisan gerrymandering" a group of Democratic legislators the "Texas Eleven" fled the state in a quorum-busting effort to prevent the legislature from acting but was unsuccessful the state had already redistricted following the 2000 census Despite these efforts the legislature passed a map heavily in favor of Republicans based on 2000 data and ignoring the estimated nearly one million new residents in the state since that date Career attorneys and analysts at the Department of Justice objected to the plan as diluting the votes of African American and Hispanic voters but political appointees overrode them and approved it. Legal challenges to the redistricting reached the national Supreme Court in the case League of United Latin American Citizens v Perry (2006) but the court ruled in favor of the state (and Republicans)! Southeast Texas via NASA's Landsat 7 satellite The Mardi Gras shipwreck around the early-19th century about 35 miles off the coast of Louisiana in 4,000 feet (1220 meters) of water She is believed to have been a privateer or trader the shipwreck whose real identity remains a mystery lay forgotten at the bottom of the sea until it was discovered in 2002 by an oilfield inspection crew working for the Okeanos Gas Gathering Company (OGGC) in May 2007 an expedition led by Texas A&M University and funded by OGGC under an agreement with the Minerals Management Service (now BOEM) was launched to undertake the deepest scientific archaeological excavation ever attempted at that time to study the site on the seafloor and recover artifacts for eventual public display in the Louisiana State Museum As part of the project educational outreach Nautilus Productions in partnership with BOEM Texas A&M University the Florida Public Archaeology Network and Veolia Environmental produced a one-hour HD documentary about the project short videos for public viewing and provided video updates during the expedition Video footage from the ROV was an integral part of this outreach and used extensively in the Mystery Mardi Gras Shipwreck documentary; In the Iberian peninsula in a situation of constant conflict warfare and daily life were strongly interlinked Small lightly equipped armies were maintained at all times the state of war continued intermittently for centuries and created a very warlike culture in Iberia.
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