4.6 Law enforcement All other public universities (25 in total). ! Genesis (band) played a concert at the Astrodome as part of the We Can't Dance World Tour on May 9 1992, Houston generally receives ample rainfall averaging about 49.8 in (1,260 mm) annually based on records between 1981 and 2010 Many parts of the city have a high risk of localized flooding due to flat topography ubiquitous low-permeability clay-silt prairie soils and inadequate infrastructure. During the mid-2010s Greater Houston experienced consecutive major flood events in 2015 ("Memorial Day") 2016 ("Tax Day") and 2017 (Hurricane Harvey). Overall there have been more casualties and property loss from floods in Houston than in any other locality in the United States the majority of rainfall occurs between April and October (the wet season of Southeast Texas) when the moisture from the Gulf of Mexico evaporates extensively over the city, 1980 14,229,191 27.1% The new international Terminal E at George Bush Intercontinental Airport opened with 30 gates in 2003. Houston has an international flavor and is home to several multicultural arts organizations including: MECA (Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts) Kuumba House Dance Theatre and Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say. . . Elvis Presley gave six performances there between February and March 1970 setting an attendance record with 200,000 over the six shows He performed there again on March 3 1974 setting a single day attendance record!
. Map of the Colorado & Southern Railroad lines including the Fort Worth and Denver City lines in Texas 6 El Paso El Paso 683,080 Chinese civilians being buried alive by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanking Massacre December 1937. . Houston's building boom of the 1970s and 1980s ceased in the mid-1980s due to the 1980s oil glut Building of skyscrapers resumed by 2003 but the new buildings were more modest and not as tall During that year George Lancaster a spokesperson for the Hines company said "I predict the J.P Morgan Chase Tower will be the tallest building in Houston for quite some time.", In 2001 the wreck of U-166 was found in 5,000 feet (1,500 m) of water less than two miles from where it had attacked the Robert E Lee an archaeological survey of the seafloor before construction of a natural gas pipeline led to the discoveries by C & C Marine archaeologists Robert A Church and Daniel J Warren the sonar contacts consisted of two large sections lying approximately 500 feet apart at either end of a debris field that indicated the presence of a U-boat, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Texas (METRO) serves several areas within Harris County an agency of the Harris County government Harris County Transit serves communities in Harris County that are not served by METRO. Other elected positions in Harris County include a County Attorney a County Clerk a District Attorney a District Clerk a Sheriff 8 Constables a Tax Assessor-Collector a County Treasurer and every judge in the county except municipal judges who are appointed by the mayors and confirmed by city councils of their respective cities, On August 19 1995 a scheduled preseason game between the Oilers and the San Diego Chargers had to be canceled due to the dilapidated condition of the playing field Oilers owner Bud Adams demanded a new stadium but the city of Houston refused to fund it After years of threats Adams moved the team to Tennessee after the 1996 season. Around that time the Astros also threatened to leave the city unless a new ballpark was built the retractable-roofed Enron Field (now known as Minute Maid Park) opened for the 2000 season in downtown Houston, Besides coastal exploration Portuguese ships also made trips further out to gather meteorological and oceanographic information These voyages revealed the archipelagos of Bissagos Islands where the Portuguese were defeated by native people in 1535 Madeira the Azores Cape Verde Sao Tome Trindade and Martim Vaz Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago Fernando de Noronha Corisco Elobey Grande Elobey Chico Annobon Island Ascension Island Bioko Island Falkland Islands Principe Island Saint Helena Island Tristan da Cunha Island and Sargasso Sea! 3.3 Japanese invasion of China (1937) 1980 1,595,138 29.4%, The call for unconditional surrender was rejected by the Japanese government which believed it would be capable of negotiating for more favourable surrender terms in early August the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Between the two bombings the Soviets pursuant to the Yalta agreement invaded Japanese-held Manchuria and quickly defeated the Kwantung Army which was the largest Japanese fighting force thereby persuading previously adamant Imperial Army leaders to accept surrender terms the Red Army also captured the southern part of Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands on 15 August 1945 Japan surrendered with the surrender documents finally signed at Tokyo Bay on the deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on 2 September 1945 ending the war! . .
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