Two kinds of people travel around these plains with the cows; one is called Querechos and the others Teyas; they are very well built and painted and are enemies of each other They have no other settlement or location than comes from traveling around with the cows They kill all of these they wish and tan the hides with which they clothe themselves and make their tents and they eat the flesh sometimes even raw and they also even drink the blood when thirsty the tents they make are like field tents and they set them up over some poles they have made for this purpose which come together and are tied at the top and when they go from one place to another they carry them on some dogs they have of which they have many and they load them with the tents and poles and other things for the country is so level as I said that they can make use of these because they carry the poles dragging along on the ground the sun is what they worship most, Dayton ISD Houston had 303 homicides in 2015 and 302 homicides in 2016 Officials predicted there would be 323 homicides in 2016 Instead there was no increase in Houston's homicide rate between 2015 and 2016.[discuss]! 4.5 State government Environmental factors play a large role in obesity rates. Studies have shown that people who live in the same socioeconomic contexts in Texas regardless of race tend to have similar rates of obesity. Generally speaking encouraging healthy habits raising awareness and educating people about portion sizes and nutritious requirements can help prevent obesity. Childhood prevention is key - a child who was overweight at 12 years of age has a 75% chance of being overweight as an adult. 8 See also 10.2.4 Obesity policy Thousands of enslaved African-Americans lived near the city before the Civil War Many of them near the city worked on sugar and cotton plantations while most of those in the city limits had domestic and artisan jobs in 1860 forty-nine percent of the city's population was enslaved Frost Town a nearby settlement south of the Buffalo Bayou was swallowed by Houston.[citation needed], 5.1 Texian retreat: the Runaway Scrape 12 Sister cities. . On November 5 2013 voters in Houston turned down a $213 million referendum to renovate and convert the Astrodome into a state-of-the-art convention center and exhibition space known as "New Dome Experience". Until a final disposition is made Harris County commissioners will not approve demolition of the stadium "The building's still there There's no formal plan or authorization to demolish the building and until somebody brings such a plan to fruition there's a chance," according to Willie Loston executive director of the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation "The proposal was rejected by the voters We're back to where we were Square one," according to Steve Radack Harris County commissioner.
. . Houston is largely located within the Northern Humid Gulf Coast Prairies level IV ecoregion (34a) a subset of the Western Gulf coastal grasslands level III region as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency This region is generally underlaid by Quaternary-aged sand silts and clays (clay clay loam or sandy clay loam) and covered by grasslands with occasional clusters of oak trees, the Pueblo from the upper Rio Grande region centered west of Texas; . Jacinto City Position Name Party A few professional sports teams are located in East Texas the East Texas Pump Jacks located in Kilgore play baseball in the Texas Collegiate League Additionally the East Texas Storm a semiprofessional football team located in Tyler competes in the Lone Star Minor League. Typically northern parts of East Texas tend to support the professional teams from the Dallas/Fort Worth area (Dallas Cowboys Dallas Mavericks Texas Rangers Dallas Stars) while southern parts of East Texas tend to support professional teams from the Houston area (Houston Texans Houston Rockets Houston Astros), US 90.svg U.S Highway 90 a.k.a - Crosby Freeway. .
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