. . Long oceanic voyages led to larger ships "Nau" was the Portuguese archaic synonym for any large ship primarily merchant ships Due to the piracy that plagued the coasts they began to be used in the navy and were provided with cannon windows which led to the classification of "naus" according to the power of its artillery the carrack or nau was a three- or four-masted ship it had a high rounded stern with large aftcastle forecastle and bowsprit at the stem it was first used by the Portuguese and later by the Spanish They were also adapted to the increasing maritime trade They grew from 200 tons capacity in the 15th century to 500 in the 16th century they usually had two decks stern castles fore and aft two to four masts with overlapping sails in India travels in the sixteenth century used carracks large merchant ships with a high edge and three masts with square sails that reached 2,000 tons. Houston City Council approved the Houston Bike Plan in March 2017 at that time entering the plan into the Houston Code of Ordinances, Contents Contents Harris County ESD #17 Fire Little York VFD 1% .10, The Gulf is considered aseismic; however mild tremors have been recorded throughout history (usually 5.0 or less on the Richter magnitude scale) Earthquakes may be caused by interactions between sediment loading on the sea floor and adjustment by the crust.
6 Impact Petty bickering between Smith and the Council members increased dramatically and on January 9 1836 Smith threatened to dismiss the Council unless they agreed to revoke their approval of the Matamoros Expedition. Two days later the Council voted to impeach Smith and named James W Robinson the Acting Governor it was unclear whether either side actually had the authority to dismiss the other by this point Texas was essentially in anarchy. Houston is highly regarded for its diverse food and restaurant culture Several major publications have consistently named Houston as one of "America's Best Food Cities", Transportation Houston Texas Business Directory, Shipwrecks Houston Austin 97/74 36/23 61/45 16/5 School Trustee Pct 4 Pos 2 Angie Chesnut Republican. .
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