. The 70,000-seat Rice Stadium designed in 1950 by Hermon Lloyd & W.B Morgan and Milton McGinty is of reinforced concrete with 30-inch (760 mm) diameter columns supporting the upper decks. Architecturally the stadium is an example of modernism with simple lines and an unadorned functional design the entire lower seating bowl is located below the surrounding ground level Intended solely for football games the stadium has excellent sightlines from almost every seat, In Europe Germany and Italy were becoming more aggressive in March 1938 Germany annexed Austria again provoking little response from other European powers. Encouraged Hitler began pressing German claims on the Sudetenland an area of Czechoslovakia with a predominantly ethnic German population Soon the United Kingdom and France followed the counsel of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and conceded this territory to Germany in the Munich Agreement which was made against the wishes of the Czechoslovak government in exchange for a promise of no further territorial demands. Soon afterwards Germany and Italy forced Czechoslovakia to cede additional territory to Hungary and Poland annexed Czechoslovakia's Zaolzie region, Various companies are headquartered in incorporated and unincorporated areas throughout Harris County. 5.1 Texian retreat: the Runaway Scrape East Texans enjoy many Texas state parks including Caddo Lake Atlanta Daingerfield Lake Bob Sandlin Tyler Mission Tejas in Grapeland Cooper Lake Lake Tawakoni Martin Creek Huntsville Lake Sam Rayburn Lake Livingston and Sea Rim among others East Texas is also home to the Angelina National Forest Sam Houston National Forest Sabine National Forest Big Thicket National Preserve Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge and McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge. Boom periods of the four major industries that built the early Texas economy The eight-county Greater Houston metropolitan area contains over 25,000 miles (40,000 km) of roadway of which 10% or approximately 2,500 miles (4,000 km) is limited-access highway the Houston region's extensive freeway system handles over 40% of the regional daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Arterial roads handle an additional 40% of daily VMT while toll roads of which Greater Houston has 180 miles (290 km) handle nearly 10%; Houston often popularly referred to as the Bayou City is crossed by a number of slow-moving swampy rivers which are essential to draining the region's broad floodplains the city was founded at the convergence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou a point today known as Allen's Landing. On December 13 2007 Mexico submitted information to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) regarding the extension of Mexico's continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. Mexico sought an extension of its continental shelf in the Western Polygon based on international law UNCLOS and bilateral treaties with the United States in accordance with Mexico's domestic legislation on March 13 2009 the CLCS accepted Mexico's arguments for extending its continental shelf up to 350 NM into the Western Polygon Since this would extend Mexico's continental shelf well into territory claimed by the United States however Mexico and the U.S would need to enter a bilateral agreement based on international law that delimits their respective claims, Mass transit Duke Energy Field Services near Palestine on U.S Highway 79: the company operates facilities including refineries and oil wells throughout the region, Although the Red Army was preparing for strategic counter-offensives before the war Barbarossa forced the Soviet supreme command to adopt a strategic defence During the summer the Axis made significant gains into Soviet territory inflicting immense losses in both personnel and materiel By the middle of August however the German Army High Command decided to suspend the offensive of a considerably depleted Army Group Centre and to divert the 2nd Panzer Group to reinforce troops advancing towards central Ukraine and Leningrad the Kiev offensive was overwhelmingly successful resulting in encirclement and elimination of four Soviet armies and made possible further advance into Crimea and industrially developed Eastern Ukraine (the First Battle of Kharkov).
; . Jehovah's Witnesses 1 Harris was granted a league of land (about 4,428 acres) at Buffalo Bayou He platted the town of Harrisburg in 1826 while he established a trading post and a grist mill there He ran boats transporting goods between New Orleans and Harrisburg until his death in the fall of 1829. . ; .
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