! The French flag of the Bourbons, In 2013 Houston was identified as the #1 U.S city for job creation by the U.S Bureau of Statistics after it was not only the first major city to regain all the jobs lost in the preceding economic downturn but after the crash more than two jobs were added for every one lost Economist and vice president of research at the Greater Houston Partnership Patrick Jankowski attributed Houston's success to the ability of the region's real estate and energy industries to learn from historical mistakes Furthermore Jankowski stated that "more than 100 foreign-owned companies relocated expanded or started new businesses in Houston" between 2008 and 2010 and this openness to external business boosted job creation during a period when domestic demand was problematically low, Areas outside of municipal city limits (and some smaller municipalities) have fire and emergency medical services provided by Emergency Service Districts distinct governmental units with the ability to levy property and sales taxes ESD's may provide fire service EMS service or both (dual services) and the services they provide determine the limits on their adoptable tax rate.
! . . Duke Energy Field Services near Palestine on U.S Highway 79: the company operates facilities including refineries and oil wells throughout the region, Electronic Data Systems headquarters in Plano, Contents Houston is located 165 miles (266 km) east of Austin 88 miles (142 km) west of the Louisiana border and 250 miles (400 km) south of Dallas the city has a total area of 637.4 square miles (1,651 km2); this comprises over 599.59 square miles (1,552.9 km2) of land and 22.3 square miles (58 km2) covered by water. Most of Houston is located on the gulf coastal plain and its vegetation is classified as Western Gulf coastal grasslands while further north it transitions into a subtropical jungle the Big Thicket Much of the city was built on forested land marshes swamp and are all still visible in surrounding areas.[citation needed] Flat terrain and extensive greenfield development have combined to worsen flooding. Downtown stands about 50 feet (15 m) above sea level and the highest point in far northwest Houston is about 150 feet (46 m) in elevation the city once relied on groundwater for its needs but land subsidence forced the city to turn to ground-level water sources such as Lake Houston Lake Conroe and Lake Livingston the city owns surface water rights for 1.20 billion gallons of water a day in addition to 150 million gallons a day of groundwater! .