. . Texas Medical Center Map of ethnic distribution in Houston 2010 U.S Census Each dot is 25 people: White Black Asian Hispanic or Other (yellow).
. . Home fronts and production University of Houston, 9.3 Emergency Services Districts Snow falls infrequently in the Magnolia City When it does occur it usually melts immediately on the ground with light accumulation on roofs and raised surfaces Only very uncommonly does it accumulate on the ground Since 1895 it has snowed 39 times in Houston at an average of about once every 3 years though some decades have several instances of recorded snowfall while others have only one each (e.g the 1930s and 1950s) and one decade where there wasn't any snowfall (1990s) the last recorded snowfall in Houston was on November 13 2018. There were more incidences of snow in the 1980s on average than any other decade recorded but the 2000s also witnessed more frequent and record-breaking snows. The Williams Tower is the tallest building in the US outside a central business district, A full season of operas is performed in the downtown Theatre District by Houston Grand Opera while a smaller community-based opera company (Opera in the Heights) performs in Lambert Hall Operas are also performed each spring and fall at both the Shepherd School of Music and the Moores School of Music Houston Grand Opera performs at least one free show each summer at the Miller Outdoor Theatre, Tennis Dallas growth. La Salle's colonization expedition left France on July 24 1684 and soon lost one of its supply ships to Spanish privateers a combination of inaccurate maps La Salle's previous miscalculation of the latitude of the mouth of the Mississippi River and overcorrecting for the Gulf currents led the ships to be unable to find the Mississippi. Instead they landed at Matagorda Bay in early 1685 400 miles (644 km) west of the Mississippi in February the colonists constructed Fort Saint Louis.
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