On 3 September 1943 the Western Allies invaded the Italian mainland following Italy's armistice with the Allies. Germany with the help of fascists responded by disarming Italian forces that were in many places without superior orders seizing military control of Italian areas and creating a series of defensive lines. German special forces then rescued Mussolini who then soon established a new client state in German-occupied Italy named the Italian Social Republic causing an Italian civil war the Western Allies fought through several lines until reaching the main German defensive line in mid-November, Main article: 1950s Texas drought, (24.8) 72.8 National Research Universities (Tier 1). Winter 54 Sysco Bridgeland The Houston area is a leading center for building oilfield equipment. Much of its success as a petrochemical complex is due to its busy ship channel the Port of Houston in the United States the port ranks first in international commerce and 10th among the largest ports in the world. Unlike most places high oil and gasoline prices are beneficial for Houston's economy as many of its residents are employed in the energy industry. Houston is the beginning or end point of numerous oil gas and products pipelines. . ; Axis attack on the Soviet Union (1941) See also: List of hospitals in Texas There are frequent "red tide" algae blooms that kill fish and marine mammals and cause respiratory problems in humans and some domestic animals when the blooms reach close to shore This has especially been plaguing the southwest and southern Florida coast from the Florida Keys to north of Pasco County Florida. !
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plumbers in baltimore area