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Armed groups sought supplies and funds in various ways Financing was requested from the King delegates of the Crown the nobility rich merchants or the troops themselves the more professional campaigns were funded by the Crown Campaigns were sometimes initiated by inexperienced governors because in Spanish Colonial America offices were bought or handed to relatives or cronies Sometimes an expedition of conquistadors were a group of influential men who had recruited and equipped their fighters by promising a share of the booty. Port of Houston along the Houston Ship Channel, 105 Enterprise Products Partners, Harmon General Hospital one of the Army's largest opened in Longview in November 1942 with 157 hospital buildings and a capacity of 2,939 beds the facility was designed for the treatment of soldiers with central nervous system syphilis psychiatric disorders tropical illnesses and dermatological diseases At the end of the war the facility was adapted for use as the campus of LeTourneau University; . Asia 3.1 2015 Texas Population Estimate Program On the same day Germany launched an offensive against France to circumvent the strong Maginot Line fortifications on the Franco-German border Germany directed its attack at the neutral nations of Belgium the Netherlands and Luxembourg the Germans carried out a flanking manoeuvre through the Ardennes region which was mistakenly perceived by Allies as an impenetrable natural barrier against armoured vehicles by successfully implementing new blitzkrieg tactics the Wehrmacht rapidly advanced to the Channel and cut off the Allied forces in Belgium trapping the bulk of the Allied armies in a cauldron on the Franco-Belgian border near Lille the United Kingdom was able to evacuate a significant number of Allied troops from the continent by early June although abandoning almost all of their equipment. ; These attacks led the United States United Kingdom China Australia and several other states to formally declare war on Japan whereas the Soviet Union being heavily involved in large-scale hostilities with European Axis countries maintained its neutrality agreement with Japan. Germany followed by the other Axis states declared war on the United States in solidarity with Japan citing as justification the American attacks on German war vessels that had been ordered by Roosevelt. Houston was the headquarters of Continental Airlines until its 2010 merger with United Airlines with headquarters in Chicago; regulatory approval for the merger was granted in October of that year Bush Intercontinental is currently United Airlines' second largest hub behind O'Hare International Airport. United Airlines' share of the Houston Airport System's commercial aviation market was nearly 60% in 2017 with 16 million enplaned passengers in early 2007 Bush Intercontinental Airport was named a model "port of entry" for international travelers by U.S Customs and Border Protection, Gerald D Hines Waterwall Park in Uptown, ESD Type Provider Sales Tax Rate (2015) Property Tax Rate per $100 Valuation (2015). 1950s The Sharpstown scandal which concerned government bribes involving real estate developer Frank Sharp (neighborhood of Sharpstown is named after him) occurred in 1970 and 1971.
Capitol Building Apartments