Raad Taki MD Plastic Surgery Center

Tucson, Arizona, United States

Business Details

What sets Dr Taki apart from other plastic surgeons is the personalized care he provides to each patient Dr Taki is able to adapt each surgery to fit the individual patients physical attributes and achieve the most aesthetically pleasing results His warm and personable bedside manner allows his patients to feel comfortable while his extensive background and training in the art of plastic surgery puts their minds at ease Dr Taki received his Bachelors degrees in both Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Arizona then went on to graduate from the University of Arizona College of Medicine Go Wildcats He moved to Phoenix Arizona and completed his general surgery training in the Phoenix Integrated Surgical Residency program Dr Takis plastic surgical training was completed after a twoyear fellowship at the worldrenowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota Dr Taki has been practicing plastic surgery in Tucson Arizona since 2001 With a friendly and supportive staff including Dr Susan Bazzell a Board Certified Anesthesiologist Dr Raad Taki has established himself as a proven surgeon in Arizona Stop by our certified and board approved operating center for a tour of the facilities that could change you and help you live the life you want Se Habla Espaol To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr Taki or to obtain more information regarding plastic surgical procedures as well as nonsurgical options in the Tucson area please call our office at 520 8813232 You can also visit our website at wwwtakiplasticsurgerycom and email by our safe and secure Contact Form for your complimentary confidential consultation today We love to help you feel your beautiful best
Tucson, Arizona, United States

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