Harris County ESD #10 Fire Eastex Fire Department 1% .10 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 43.7% 37.4% 27.6% 11.3% Genesis (band) played a concert at the Astrodome as part of the We Can't Dance World Tour on May 9 1992. . . Houston Texas Business Directory 1.3 Reconstruction through 1900 Rank Name County Pop. French 0.25% Houston Texas Business Directory.
In Harris County the average one way commute for a person using an automobile was 25 minutes while the average commute for a person not using an automobile was 44 minutes a 76% longer duration than the figure for commuters with cars. . Fifty-floor rectangular skyscraper with rows of identical windows and minimal ornamentation. . Throughout its history the Astrodome was known as a pitcher's park the power alleys were never shorter than 370 feet (113 m) from the plate; on at least two occasions they were as far as 390 feet (119 m) Over time it gave up fewer home runs than any other park in the National League the Astrodome's reputation as a pitcher's park continued even in the mid-1980s when the fences were moved in closer than the Metrodome which was long reckoned as a hitter's park. (107) 4.67 4 Shipwrecks Tennis The Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant and the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant were built as part of the WWII buildup Hundreds of thousands of American (and some allied) soldiers sailors and airmen trained in the state All sectors of the economy boomed as the homefront prospered, People in the service of Spain In June 2001 Tropical Storm Allison dumped up to 40 inches (1,000 mm) of rain on parts of Houston causing what was then the worst flooding in the city's history the storm cost billions of dollars in damage and killed 20 people in Texas by December of the same year Houston-based energy company Enron collapsed into the largest U.S bankruptcy (at that time) a result of being investigated for off-the-books partnerships which were allegedly used to hide debt and inflate profits the company lost no less than $70 billion.
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