Gabriel Tremblay Health Economist

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Business Details

Mister Tremblay and his partnerteam offer a broad range of Health Economics and Economic Evaluation services to the pharmaceutical industry Biotech companies Research centers private or public payers and governments Mister Tremblay is Based in the US and in Canada and offers countrywide services Health Economics Services Health Economics for Submissions for drugs and devices US payers CADTH NICE EU5 Socioeconomic proofofconcept for health genetics drugs or personalized medicine projects Advanced modeling disease modeling advanced markov model microsimulation Health Economics for Oncology Ophan drugs public health economics Personalized medicine and genetic project health economics Development of QALY HE using patient reported outcomes PRO My priorities as a consultant in health economics 1 Customer service I strive to always be available when my clients need me with quick turnaround for urgent projects 2 Valuable health economic analysis I am transparent when communicating potential limitations of an analysis and provide exceptional value to my clients The highest quality standards are applied to all my work whether oneday projects or longterm studies 3 Robust and informative evidence My goal is to help my clients demonstrate the value of their project or treatment option to the healthcare system patients and payers Providing robust evidence that is communicated effectively is one of my priorities 4 Join the forces Teamwork is key to a good economic analysis I work closely with the clients team as do my consultant and collaborators to provide the best product with the highest quality standards wwwhealtheconomicconsultantcom infogthecom USA 16176581885 Canada 15145539255
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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