336 Calpine Total and unconditional surrender in Europe was signed on 7 and 8 May to be effective by the end of 8 May. German Army Group Centre resisted in Prague until 11 May. Rita (2005) Atascocita Lumber became a large part of the port's exports with merchandise as its chief import the Houston Post was established in 1880 the Houston Chronicle followed on August 23 of that year Former U S President Ulysses Grant came to Houston to celebrate the opening of the Union Station which had rail links with New Orleans Fifth Ward residents threatened to secede from Houston because they felt they already had been separated an iron drawbridge built in 1883 pacified them and they did not secede in 1887 the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word established a hospital that would become St Joseph Hospital. 10 External links The Harris County Housing Authority (HCHA) is a governmental nonprofit corporation which addresses the need for quality affordable housing the HCHA has been recognized by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development as the highest performing housing authority in the region and was recently named one of America's 10 best Public Housing Authorities. Guy R Rankin IV is Chief Executive Officer of Harris County Housing Authority (HCHA). The "Deep" designation comes from the similarity to East Texas (it is similar in culture and topography being highly forested) but with a location "deeper" (i.e farther south and towards the Gulf Coast) than the rest of East Texas! ! .
In June 1943 the British and Americans began a strategic bombing campaign against Germany with a goal to disrupt the war economy reduce morale and "de-house" the civilian population the firebombing of Hamburg was among the first attacks in this campaign inflicting significant casualties and considerable losses on infrastructure of this important industrial centre, Mexican Army of Operations Aldine County government The University of St Thomas located in Neartown is a private Catholic liberal arts college! The 1200 Jail the headquarters of the Harris County Sheriff's Office, Later when Spain established a route to the Indies from the west Portugal arranged a second treaty the Treaty of Zaragoza, Asian: 3.8 percent (1.0 percent Indian 0.8 percent Vietnamese 0.6 percent Chinese 0.4 percent Filipino 0.3 percent Korean 0.1 percent Japanese 0.6 percent other Asian). ; Houston has hosted several major sports events: the 1968 1986 and 2004 Major League Baseball All-Star Games; the 1989 2006 and 2013 NBA All-Star Games; Super Bowl VIII Super Bowl XXXVIII and Super Bowl LI as well as hosting the 1981 1986 1994 and 1995 NBA Finals winning the latter two and co-hosting the 2005 World Series and 2017 World Series winning the latter NRG Stadium hosted Super Bowl LI on February 5 2017. . Louis Wigfall lived in Nacogdoches Nacogdoches County and Marshall Harrison County, Further information: List of colleges and universities in Houston.
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