Acrolein - respiratory effects Americans with origins from the Pacific are the smallest minority in Texas According to the survey only 18,000 Texans are Pacific Islanders; 16,400 are of non-Hispanic descent There are roughly 5,400 Native Hawaiians 5,300 Guamanians and 6,400 people from other groups Samoan Americans were scant; only 2,920 people were from this group the city of Euless a suburb of Fort Worth contains a sizable population of Tongan Americans at nearly 900 people over one percent of the city's population Killeen has a sufficient population of Samoans and Guamanian and people of Pacific Islander descent surpass one percent of the city's population, In the early 1990s many older office buildings throughout Houston remained unoccupied At the same time newer office buildings for major corporations opened. 4.3 Asia and Oceania colonization and the Pacific exploration The United States provided about two-thirds of all the ordnance used by the Allies in terms of warships transports warplanes artillery tanks trucks and ammunition. Though the Allies' economic and population advantages were largely mitigated during the initial rapid blitzkrieg attacks of Germany and Japan they became the decisive factor by 1942 after the United States and Soviet Union joined the Allies as the war largely settled into one of attrition. While the Allies' ability to out-produce the Axis is often attributed to the Allies having more access to natural resources other factors such as Germany and Japan's reluctance to employ women in the labour force Allied strategic bombing and Germany's late shift to a war economy contributed significantly Additionally neither Germany nor Japan planned to fight a protracted war and were not equipped to do so to improve their production Germany and Japan used millions of slave labourers; Germany used about 12 million people mostly from Eastern Europe while Japan used more than 18 million people in Far East Asia.
Horace Chilton born near Tyler Smith County Red Army soldiers on the counterattack during the Battle of Stalingrad February 1943 Texas plays host to several species of wasps Texas is one of the regions that has the highest abundance of Polistes exclamans. Additionally Texas has provided an important ground for the study of Polistes annularis. ! The Texas Revolution has been the subject of poetry and of many books plays and films Most English-language treatments reflect the perspectives of the Anglos and are centered primarily on the battle of the Alamo. From the first novel depicting events of the revolution 1838's Mexico versus Texas through the mid-20th century most works contained themes of anticlericalism and racism depicting the battle as a fight for freedom between good (Anglo Texian) and evil (Mexican) in both English- and Spanish-language literature the Alamo is often compared to the battle of Thermopylae the 1950s Disney miniseries Davy Crockett which was largely based on myth created a worldwide craze for everything Alamo-related. Within several years John Wayne directed and starred in one of the best-known and perhaps least historically accurate film versions the Alamo (1960).[Note 18] Notably this version made the first attempt to leave behind racial stereotypes; it was still banned in Mexico in the late 1970s works about the Alamo began to explore Tejano perspectives which had been all but extinguished even from textbooks about the revolution and to explore the revolution's links to slavery, Bunker Hill Village, Many large mass shootings have occurred in Texas including the University of Texas tower shooting the Luby's shooting the 2009 Fort Hood shooting the Sutherland Springs church shooting the Santa Fe High School shooting and the 2019 El Paso shooting! In 1989 four cylindrical pedestrian ramp columns were constructed outside the Dome for accessibility This enabled the Astrodome to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
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