Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Centers Inc

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Business Details

About Us Since 1969 Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Centers Inc has been providing quality health care to the community As a Federally Qualified Health Center we take pride in providing a full scope of services designed to meet all your health care needs We believe that health care is a right and not a privilege Based on that belief has evolved a health center that offers high quality health care regardless of age race sex religion or ability to pay Our mission continues to be successful because we are a committed dedicating and caring staff providing care to those that need it most Our Locations Comp 1 5471 Dr Martin Luther King Dr St Louis MO 63112 314 3675820 Hours Mon Tues Thurs Fri 9 am 530 Homer G Phillips 2425 N Whittier St Louis MO 63113 314 3713100 Hours Mon Tues Wed Fri 9 am 530 Florence Hill 5541 Riverview St Louis MO 63120 314 3894566 Hours Tues Wed Thurs Fri 9 am 53 0 AMENITY Molina New Mercy CarePlus United Healthcare HealthCare USA Aetna Healthlink Prudential Bridgeport Dental MO HealthNet Pharmacy Service Plans Group Health Plan GHP Blue CrossBlue Shield Doral Dental Vision Service Plan BJC Dental Delta Dental Harmony Health Plan Medicare and HMOs Medicare Part D
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

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