5 See also 8 External links Political history, 7 Trade 7 Further reading 3.1 European exploration Morgan's Point. 2 Surface water 2010 4,092,459 20.3% Contents The Bank of America Center is one of the first significant examples of postmodern architecture built in downtown Houston the building completed in 1984 and designed by Philip Johnson and partner John Burgee is reminiscent of the Dutch Gothic architecture of canal houses that were once common in the Netherlands the first section is 21 stories tall while the whole building reaches a height of 56 stories. The Comanche used their military power to obtain supplies and labor from the Americans Mexicans and Indians through thievery looting and killing tribute and kidnappings There was much violence committed by and against Comanche before and after the European settlement of Texas Although they made a living partially through raiding and violence along with hunting/gathering especially buffalo hunting the Comanche empire also supported a commercial network with long-distance trade Dealing with subordinate Indians the Comanche spread their language and culture across the region in terms of governance the Comanche were nearly independent but allied bands with a loosely hierarchical social organization within bands. .
Homes in the Heights have varied architectural styles including Victorian Craftsman and Colonial Revival the neighborhood is composed of several large homes and many smaller cottages and bungalows many built in the late 19th and early 20th century. After 1905 Victorian cottages tended to be replaced by bungalows, Texas in 1718 Guillaume de L'Isle map approximate state area highlighted northern boundary was indefinite, 19 Waste Management 196 Lady Bird Johnson former First Lady of the United States born in Karnack Harrison County. .
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