. 11.2 Transit Asian 0.2% 1.9% 2.7% 3.8% Largest cities or towns in Texas Sam Houston, Houston Texas Business Directory 41 Frontier Oil 389 Main article: Goliad Campaign. East Texans enjoy many Texas state parks including Caddo Lake Atlanta Daingerfield Lake Bob Sandlin Tyler Mission Tejas in Grapeland Cooper Lake Lake Tawakoni Martin Creek Huntsville Lake Sam Rayburn Lake Livingston and Sea Rim among others East Texas is also home to the Angelina National Forest Sam Houston National Forest Sabine National Forest Big Thicket National Preserve Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge and McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge, Public School Lunch By mid-November the Germans had nearly taken Stalingrad in bitter street fighting the Soviets began their second winter counter-offensive starting with an encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad and an assault on the Rzhev salient near Moscow though the latter failed disastrously by early February 1943 the German Army had taken tremendous losses; German troops at Stalingrad had been forced to surrender and the front-line had been pushed back beyond its position before the summer offensive in mid-February after the Soviet push had tapered off the Germans launched another attack on Kharkov creating a salient in their front line around the Soviet city of Kursk. The Astrodome was well-renowned for a four-story scoreboard called the "Astrolite" composed of thousands of light bulbs that featured numerous animations After every Astros home run the scoreboard featured a minute-long animated celebration of pistols bulls and fireworks the scoreboard remained intact until 1988 when Houston Oilers (now Tennessee Titans) owner Bud Adams suggested the removal of the scoreboard to accommodate increased capacity demands for football baseball and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Harris County spent $67 million of public funds on renovations. Approximately 15,000 new seats resembling the 1970s rainbow uniform pattern were installed to bring seating capacity to almost 60,000 for football on September 5 1988 a final celebration commemorating the scoreboard occurred prior to expansion renovations. Harris County ESD #1 EMS Harris County Emergency Corps .10 In 1821 the Mexican War for Independence severed the control that Spain had exercised on its North American territories and the new country of Mexico was formed from much of the lands that had comprised New Spain including Spanish Texas the 1824 Constitution of Mexico joined Texas with Coahuila to form the state of Coahuila y Tejas the Congress did allow Texas the option of forming its own state "as soon as it feels capable of doing so.", Weiser Air Park in unincorporated northern Harris County Position Name Party Cuba and United States: Maritime boundary agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba of December 16 1977.
. . Little York Volunteer Fire Department Station 81, Cotton ranching and farming dominated the economy with railroad construction after 1870 a major factor in the development of new cities away from rivers and waterways Toward the end of the 19th century timber became an important industry in Texas as well in 1901 a petroleum discovery at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont was developed as the most productive oil well the world had ever seen the wave of oil speculation and discovery that followed came to be known as the "Oil Boom" permanently transforming and enriching the economy of Texas Agriculture and ranching gave way to a service-oriented society after the boom years of World War II Segregation ended in the 1960s due to federal legislation Politically Texas changed from the virtually one-party Democratic state achieved following disenfranchisement to a highly contested political scene until 2000 when it was solidly Republican the economy of Texas has continued to grow rapidly becoming the second-largest state in population in 1994 and became economically highly diversified with a growing base in new technology, The Allen brothers ran their first advertisement for Houston just four days later in the Telegraph and Texas Register naming the notional town in honor of President Sam Houston. They successfully lobbied the Republic of Texas Congress to designate Houston as the temporary capital agreeing to provide the new government with a capital building. About a dozen persons resided in the town at the beginning of 1837 but that number grew to about 1,500 by the time the Texas Congress convened in Houston for the first time that May. Houston was granted incorporation on June 5 1837 with James S Holman becoming its first mayor in the same year Houston became the county seat of Harrisburg County (now Harris County)!
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