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1.3 Reconstruction through 1900 The United States provided about two-thirds of all the ordnance used by the Allies in terms of warships transports warplanes artillery tanks trucks and ammunition. Though the Allies' economic and population advantages were largely mitigated during the initial rapid blitzkrieg attacks of Germany and Japan they became the decisive factor by 1942 after the United States and Soviet Union joined the Allies as the war largely settled into one of attrition. While the Allies' ability to out-produce the Axis is often attributed to the Allies having more access to natural resources other factors such as Germany and Japan's reluctance to employ women in the labour force Allied strategic bombing and Germany's late shift to a war economy contributed significantly Additionally neither Germany nor Japan planned to fight a protracted war and were not equipped to do so to improve their production Germany and Japan used millions of slave labourers; Germany used about 12 million people mostly from Eastern Europe while Japan used more than 18 million people in Far East Asia. Tourism For years Mexican authorities used the reconquering of Texas as an excuse for implementing new taxes and making the army the budgetary priority of the impoverished nation. Only sporadic skirmishes resulted. Larger expeditions were postponed as military funding was consistently diverted to other rebellions out of fear that those regions would ally with Texas and further fragment the country.[Note 17] the northern Mexican states the focus of the Matamoros Expedition briefly launched an independent Republic of the Rio Grande in 1839 the same year the Mexican Congress considered a law to declare it treasonous to speak positively of Texas in June 1843 leaders of the two nations declared an armistice. .
Southwest Tennessee Community College