North Portland Chiropractic Clinic

Portland, Oregon, United States

Business Details

North Portland Chiropractic Clinic has been serving the North Portland St Johns Communities for over 40 years We offer a wide range of treatments designed specifically to meet your needs Dr Halko and Dr Henderson will work with you individually to develop a treatment plan specifically for you We treat common conditions including Auto injuries Work injuries Sports injuries Chronic muscle nerve and joint pain Sciatica Extremity pain TMJ Arthritis and Scoliosis We offer electric muscle stimulation hot cold therapy trigger point therapy and ultrasound North Portland Chiropractic has two licensed massage therapists on staff specializing in therapeutic massage as well We offer sameday service and will handle all your insurance paperwork for you Our main philosophy is to treat our patients as we would our families Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment
Portland, Oregon, United States

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KropDirectories Business Authority in One Place Professional Business Directories
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