139 Jarvis Johnson Democratic 2016 North Houston and Aldine west of I-45, Tall steel five-sided tower with strong vertical lines broken by rows of horizontal bands on two sides, Downtown Houston 2.2 Museum District In 1690 Spanish authorities concerned that France posed competitive threat constructed several missions in East Texas. After Native American resistance the Spanish missionaries returned to Mexico. When France began settling Louisiana mostly in the southern part of the state in 1716 Spanish authorities responded by founding a new series of missions in East Texas. Two years later they created San Antonio as the first Spanish civilian settlement in the area; .
Much of Texas politics of the remainder of the 19th century centered on land use Guided by the federal Morill Act Texas sold public lands to gain funds to invest in higher education in 1876 the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas opened and seven years later the University of Texas at Austin began conducting classes. Six Flags Astroworld Houston's only large theme park closed in 2005 With the opening of NRG Stadium in late 2002 the events held in early 2002 by AMA Supercross and Monster Jam would be their last in the Astrodome before moving next door for 2003 where they continue to hold events every year. The successive expeditions and experience of the Portuguese pilots led to a rapid evolution of Portuguese nautical science. Historically Texas culture comes from a blend of Southern (Dixie) Western (frontier) and Southwestern (Mexican/Anglo fusion) influences varying in degrees of such from one intrastate region to another Texas is placed in the Southern United States by the United States Census Bureau a popular food item the breakfast burrito draws from all three having a soft flour tortilla wrapped around bacon and scrambled eggs or other hot cooked fillings Adding to Texas's traditional culture established in the 18th and 19th centuries immigration has made Texas a melting pot of cultures from around the world, Spanish control of Texas was followed by Mexican control of Texas and it can be difficult to separate the Spanish and Mexican influences on the future state the most obvious legacy is that of the language; every major river in modern Texas except the Red River has a Spanish or Anglicized name as do 42 of the state's 254 counties Numerous towns also bear Spanish names, 3 Residential architecture Nautical science Employment Houston (county seat) (small parts in Fort Bend and Montgomery counties).
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