. The present Alley Theatre building opened in November 1968 and contains two stages the main stage has 824 seats and is called the "Hubbard"; the more intimate 310-seat stage is the "Neuhaus." Outside there are nine towers and open-air terraces Inside a staircase spirals from the entrance vestibule to the second-floor lobby the theatre was constructed in a large part by a $1.4 million grant from the Ford Foundation to support innovative theater architecture and the prime architect on the project was Ulrich Franzen. Texas Medical Center Houston Texas Business Directory Eastern Orthodox 0.5 12.2 Cities Hitler believed that the United Kingdom's refusal to end the war was based on the hope that the United States and the Soviet Union would enter the war against Germany sooner or later. He therefore decided to try to strengthen Germany's relations with the Soviets or failing that to attack and eliminate them as a factor in November 1940 negotiations took place to determine if the Soviet Union would join the Tripartite Pact the Soviets showed some interest but asked for concessions from Finland Bulgaria Turkey and Japan that Germany considered unacceptable on 18 December 1940 Hitler issued the directive to prepare for an invasion of the Soviet Union. .
1 Background As of 2011 69.8% of the population of Texas younger than age 1 were minorities (meaning they had at least one parent who was not non-Hispanic white), The Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad --the "Katy"--was the first railroad to enter Texas from the north, Rod Paige became superintendent of Houston Independent School District in 1994; during his seven-year tenure the district became very well known for high test scores and in 2001 Paige was asked to become Secretary of Education for the new George W Bush administration Lee P Brown Houston's first African-American mayor was elected in 1997. Railroads Main article: Portuguese colonization of the Americas 10.2 Obesity One Shell Plaza (17.6) 70.9 Earl Campbell the "Tyler Rose" played football for John Tyler High in Tyler before playing for the Texas Longhorns and the Houston Oilers Don Meredith who famously played for the Dallas Cowboys played at Mt Vernon Dez Bryant a football player from Lufkin formerly played wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys before signing with the New Orleans Saints (then getting injured three days afterwards) Adrian Peterson a star running back for the Minnesota Vikings played high-school football in Palestine Other high-school sports are popular in East Texas including basketball baseball volleyball softball and track; According to U.S News and World Report many hospitals in Houston consistently rank among the nation's top healthcare institutions, Wells Fargo Bank Plaza, 3.2 Sports and outdoors 10 Footnotes Chevron has its Houston offices at the 1400 Smith Street complex. . Since 1980 most Texas voters have supported Republican presidential candidates in 2000 and 2004 Republican George W Bush won Texas with respectively 59.3 and 60.1 percent of the vote partly due to his "favorite son" status as a former governor of the state John McCain won the state in 2008 but with a smaller margin of victory compared to Bush at 55 percent of the vote Austin Dallas Houston and San Antonio consistently lean Democratic in both local and statewide elections, Fountain of the Downtown Aquarium Houston in 2012 The Allen brothers ran their first advertisement for Houston just four days later in the Telegraph and Texas Register naming the notional town in honor of President Sam Houston. They successfully lobbied the Republic of Texas Congress to designate Houston as the temporary capital agreeing to provide the new government with a capital building. About a dozen persons resided in the town at the beginning of 1837 but that number grew to about 1,500 by the time the Texas Congress convened in Houston for the first time that May. Houston was granted incorporation on June 5 1837 with James S Holman becoming its first mayor in the same year Houston became the county seat of Harrisburg County (now Harris County). .
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