. . . . This section needs expansion with: Magellan and Villalobos should be mentioned in the correct time sequence You can help by adding to it (June 2012) Texas's controversial alternative affirmative action plan Texas House Bill 588 guarantees Texas students who graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class automatic admission to state-funded universities the bill encourages demographic diversity while avoiding problems stemming from the Hopwood v Texas (1996) case. The chief administrative officer of a Texas County as set up in the Texas Constitution is the County Judge who sits as the chair of the county's Commissioners' Court (the equivalent of a Board of Supervisors in some other states) Since 2007 this position in Harris County is held by Judge Ed Emmett the county is split into 4 geographical divisions called Precincts Each precinct elects a Commissioner to sit as a representative of their precinct on the commissioners court and also for the oversight of county functions in their area, After the failed plans of past years the Astrodome Revitalization Project was proposed in September 2016 This plan would turn the dome into a massive underground parking garage Specifically the first step would raise the dome floor and use the space underneath that as parking leaving the floor above for other uses on September 27 2016 the Harris County Commissioners approved the first part of the plan This marked a major turning point for the dome as some feared if the plan wasn't approved the building would be demolished on January 27 2017 the Texas Historical Commission voted unanimously to designate the dome a State Antiquities Landmark. Under the designation the Astrodome may no longer be removed altered damaged salvaged or excavated without a permit from the commission the Harris County Commissioners voted to approve a $105 million renovation plan on February 13 2018 This plan keeps the parking garage from the Revitalization Project Construction is set to start in October 2018 and will be completed sometime in 2020 the construction start date was later moved to early 2019 and is expected to finish in 2020, Squat concrete building with large drive-through under a wing a roof for the entrance is attached to the building by angled poles.
Satsuma Whether a Native American tribe was friendly or warlike was critical to the fates of European explorers and settlers in that land. Friendly tribes taught newcomers how to grow indigenous crops prepare foods and hunt wild game Warlike tribes made life difficult and dangerous for Europeans through their attacks and resistance to the newcomers. See also: List of Houston rappers In 1860 most Houstonians supported John C Breckinridge an independent Democratic candidate for president However he lost the election to Abraham Lincoln As the Civil War began there was tension between supporters of the Confederacy and the few Union sympathizers the Chamber of Commerce kept the city together during the conflict Galveston was blockaded on October 4 1862 which in turn soured Houston's economy on January 1 1863 John B Magruder's Confederate forces recaptured the city However the war was won by the Union forces in 1865 Texas was governed under a military command during Reconstruction but Federal forces could not control the anarchy and lawlessness that broke out after the war Civilians settled old grudges and several counties were essentially without civilian government. Monument to Cabeza de Vaca in Houston Texas The Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant and the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant were built as part of the WWII buildup Hundreds of thousands of American (and some allied) soldiers sailors and airmen trained in the state All sectors of the economy boomed as the homefront prospered! Like other Southern states by the late 1870s white Democrats regained control of the state legislature They passed a new constitution in 1876 that segregated schools and established a poll tax to support them but it was not originally required for voting. 17 Baker Hughes 170 1800s The 2010 U.S Census shows these 41 East Texas counties with a population of 2,057,518 residents which represents 8% of the total state population of Texas, Thirty-six (36) separate and distinct public universities exist in Texas of which 32 belong to one of the six state university systems. Discovery of minerals on Permanent University Fund land particularly oil has helped fund the rapid growth of the state's two largest university systems: the University of Texas System and the Texas A&M System the four other university systems: the University of Houston System the University of North Texas System the Texas State System and the Texas Tech System are not funded by the Permanent University Fund. . Satellite image of Downtown Houston, In 1509 the Portuguese under Francisco de Almeida won a critical victory in the battle of Diu against a joint Mamluk and Arab fleet sent to counteract their presence in the Arabian Sea the retreat of the Mamluks and Arabs enabled the Portuguese to implement their strategy of controlling the Indian Ocean, Bus stop in Houston 1956 Brutus oil spill The current Texas Constitution was adopted in 1876 Like many states it explicitly provides for a separation of powers the state's Bill of Rights is much larger than its federal counterpart and has provisions unique to Texas.
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