7 External links The cattle industry continued to thrive though it gradually became less profitable Cotton and lumber became major industries creating new economic booms in various regions of the state Railroad networks grew rapidly as did the port at Galveston as commerce between Texas and the rest of the U.S (and the rest of the world) expanded As with some other states before the lumber industry quickly decimated the forests of Texas such that by the early 20th century the majority of the forest population in Texas was gone (later conservation efforts restored some of it but never to the level it once was). Houston Texas Business Directory Globe Life Park in Arlington home of the Texas Rangers. The NRG Astrodome also known as the Houston Astrodome or simply the Astrodome is the world's first multi-purpose domed sports stadium located in Houston Texas Construction on the stadium began in 1962 and it officially opened in 1965 it served as home to the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB) from its opening in 1965 until 1999 and the home to the Houston Oilers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1968 until 1996 and also the part-time home of the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1971 until 1975 Additionally the Astrodome was the primary venue of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo from 1966 until 2002 When opened it was named the Harris County Domed Stadium and was nicknamed the "Eighth Wonder of the World", The region also contains Sam Houston State University in Huntsville and Stephen F Austin State University in Nacogdoches which help contribute millions of dollars into the Deep East Texas economy Texas A&M University-Texarkana University of Texas at Tyler LeTourneau University and East Texas Baptist University are a few of the smaller universities in East Texas Texas A&M University-Commerce is right outside East Texas and is formerly known as East Texas State University while A&M-Texarkana was a branch campus of ETSU. .
. World War II had a dramatic effect on Texas as federal money poured in to build military bases munitions factories POW detention camps and Army hospitals; 750,000 young men left for service; the cities exploded with new industry; the colleges took on new roles; and hundreds of thousands of poor farmers left for much better-paying war jobs never to return to agriculture. Texas needed more farm workers the Bracero Program brought in 117,000 Mexicans to work temporarily. . September 4 1992; Co-headlining tour of Metallica and Guns N' Roses with special guest Faith No More News footage of this concert can be found on YouTube at Additionally MTV filmed an episode of Live n' Loud during the show, 1 Skyscrapers The Smithsonian Institution Gulf of Mexico holdings are expected to provide an important baseline of understanding for future scientific studies on the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Congressional testimony Dr Jonathan Coddington Associate Director of Research and Collections at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History provides a detailed overview of the Gulf collections and their sources which Museum staff have made available on an online map the samples were collected for years by the former Minerals Management Service (renamed the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement) to help predict the potential impacts of future oil/gas explorations Since 1979 the specimens have been deposited in the national collections of the National Museum of Natural History, 1890 2,235,527 40.4% (41) Texas 3.svg State Highway 3 Government and politics. Largest city in Texas by year, 4 Higher education 7 Trade One Shell Plaza, Most of the region consists of the Piney Woods ecoregion and East Texas can sometimes be reduced to include only the Piney Woods. At the fringes towards Central Texas the forests expand outward toward sparser trees and eventually into open plains. . .
Dr Plumber