Community Dental CareRobbinsdale

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Business Details

Founded by Drs Vacharee and Andrew Peterson Community Dental Care was one of the first private clinics in the Twin Cities that focused primarily on serving lowincome and minority patients To ensure continued access of high quality dental care for the large number of our patients enrolled in public programs the clinic was incorporated into a 501c3 nonprofit in August 2004 and began serving patients as a nonprofit in January 2005 In May 2008 CDentC opened its second clinic location in Maplewood In December 2012 a third location was opened in Rochester On January 13 2014 Community Dental Care opened its fourth location in Robbinsdale Today with 49 full operatories and a staff of 190 we provide dental services to over 31500 patients annually
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

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