East Texas is a distinct cultural geographic and ecological area in the U.S state of Texas, Tens of thousands of new migrants streamed in from rural areas straining the city's housing supply and the city's ability to provide local transit and schools For the first time high-paying jobs went to large numbers of women blacks and Hispanics the city's African-American community emboldened by their newfound prosperity increased its agitation for civil rights; they backed and funded the legal case of Smith v Allwright (1944) in which the Supreme Court ruled against the latest version of the white primary in support of voting rights, Culturally Southeast Texas is more closely akin to the Gulf Coast Louisiana or even Mississippi than it is to West Texas Much of modern Southeast Texas culture has its roots in traditions that go back for generations Southeast Texas is consistent with much of the rest of rural Texas in that it is a part of the Bible Belt an area in which many inhabitants have strongly Fundamentalist Christian beliefs Many of the largest cities in East Texas outside Houston still follow a rural Southern way of life especially in dialect mannerisms religion and cuisine. . Car culture is often celebrated by residents especially during the annual Art Car Parade where many uniquely modified cars are paraded through the Heights neighborhood Another car culture celebrated in Houston is the slab culture usually found in Houston's inner city neighborhoods (including former Houston-area suburban communities e.g South Park Sunnyside Acres Homes and enclaves in Missouri City) the cars used for slabs are usually restored and/or customized full-size GM vehicles (Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Buick or a restored Oldsmobile e.g Cutlass Delta 88) the slab culture is associated with Houston hip-hop musicians, Mexico and United States: Treaty to resolve pending boundary differences and maintain the Rio Grande and Colorado River as the international boundary of November 23 1970; Treaty on maritime boundaries between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean) of May 4 1978 and Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States on the delimitation of the continental shelf in the Western Gulf of Mexico beyond 200 nautical miles (370 km) of June 9 2000, The Battle of the Sexes tennis match occurred on September 20 1973 aired on ABC with Billie Jean King defeating the late Bobby Riggs in three straight sets While more of a publicity stunt than a serious match it made national headlines and stands as a milestone in the progress of women's sports Scenes were filmed here in the 2017 film Battle Of the Sexes which starred Emma Stone & Steve Carell who respectively played these players. ! .
. ! Main articles: Genocide the Holocaust Nazi concentration camps Extermination camp Forced labour under German rule during World War II Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany and Nazi human experimentation. University of Houston, Historiography Houston first started shipping cotton lumber and other manufacturing products Alexander McGowen established the iron industry and Tom Whitmarsh built a cotton warehouse a fire ravaged Houston on March 10 1859 but the city rebuilt itself soon after.[citation needed], Astrodome Indoor City Park. . .
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