. Main article: Battle of San Jacinto, In August 2017 Houston experienced record flooding as a result of Hurricane Harvey the damages due to flash flooding are estimated at or above $50 billion making it one of the worst and costliest natural disasters in the United States Relief efforts are currently underway and are expected to last for years to come, 1990 saw the opening of Houston Intercontinental Airport's new 12-gate Mickey Leland International Airlines terminal named after the recently deceased Houston congressman in 1991 Sakowitz stores shut down; the Sakowitz brothers had brought their original store from Galveston to Houston in 1911 August 10 1991 saw a redrawing of districts for city council so that minority groups could be better represented in the city council 1993 saw the G8 visiting to discuss world issues and zoning was defeated for a third time by voters in November; Stephen F Austin the "Father of Texas." 12.4 Cartography 3.1 Race and ethnicity Houston Texas Business Directory. Houston's plan to host the 2012 Summer Olympics included renovating the Astrodome for use as a main stadium. Houston became one of the USOC's bid finalists but the organization chose New York City as its candidate city and the Games were ultimately awarded to London by the IOC. Oil The state is a leader in renewable energy commercialization; it produces the most wind power in the nation in 2014 10.6% of the electricity consumed in Texas came from wind turbines the Roscoe Wind Farm in Roscoe Texas is one of the world's largest wind farms with a 781.5 megawatt (MW) capacity the Energy Information Administration states the state's large agriculture and forestry industries could give Texas an enormous amount biomass for use in biofuels the state also has the highest solar power potential for development in the nation. Aftermath 336 Calpine United Kingdom home front They also brought or purchased enslaved African Americans whose numbers tripled in the state from 1850 to 1860 from 58,000 to 182,566; 1.1 Conception Prior to the mid-20th century Texas was essentially a one-party state and the Democratic primary was viewed as "the real election" the Democratic Party had conservative and liberal factions which became more pronounced after the New Deal. Additionally several factions of the party briefly split during the 1930s and 40s, Houston City Council approved the Houston Bike Plan in March 2017 at that time entering the plan into the Houston Code of Ordinances.
Houston's murder rate ranked 46th of U.S cities with a population over 250,000 in 2005 (per capita rate of 16.3 murders per 100,000 population) in 2010 the city's murder rate (per capita rate of 11.8 murders per 100,000 population) was ranked sixth among U.S cities with a population of over 750,000 (behind New York City Chicago Detroit Dallas and Philadelphia) according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Though 35 percent of Texas' population is now Hispanic African-Americans are still the most populous minority in Southeast Texas During the Civil Rights Movement several communities clashed over racial integration issues. Tourism and recreation For classical choral music Houston has several active groups including Cantare Houston the Houston Boychoir Houston Ebony Music Society (also known as the Houston Ebony Opera Guild) and the internationally acclaimed Houston Chamber Choir the city is also home to one of the finest collegiate choral ensembles in the country the UH Moores School of Music Concert Chorale, The Theater District is a 17-block area in the center of Downtown Houston that is home to the Bayou Place entertainment complex restaurants movies plazas and parks Bayou Place is a large multilevel building containing full-service restaurants bars live music billiards and Sundance Cinema the Bayou Music Center stages live concerts stage plays and stand-up comedy Space Center Houston is the official visitors' center of NASA's Lyndon B Johnson Space Center the Space Center has many interactive exhibits including moon rocks a shuttle simulator and presentations about the history of NASA's manned space flight program Other tourist attractions include the Galleria (Texas' largest shopping mall located in the Uptown District) Old Market Square the Downtown Aquarium and Sam Houston Race Park, Adjacent counties Harris County operates its own public library system the Harris County Public Library.
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