Houston Ship Channel Further information: Political party strength in Texas, Texarkana Texas (36,411) Cityscape Demand on Texas oil increased and many people from the northeast moved to Houston to profit from the trade Pasadena has refineries and the Port of Houston is among the busiest in the world Since the 1980s oil bust the Houston area aimed to diversify its industries. Marker in Downtown Houston commemorating the foundation of Houston by the Allen Brothers, Occurrences of freezing rain also known as ice storms are more common than snow in Houston Some of the most recent ice storms occurred in 1997 2007 February 4 2011 and January 16 2018 an overnight event occurred from January 23 2014 to January 24 another significant icing occurred a few days later on January 28 and a third event took place on March 4 These storms can be very disruptive since road crews are not equipped to handle such rare events over the city's expansive size. When ice occurs roads and schools are usually closed the city's Office of Emergency Management encourages driver's to "avoid driving unless absolutely necessary. if roadways are at risk of icing." Typically such ice storms affect mainly the northern/western areas of the metro while the southern/eastern areas are left with just cold rain the ice storm that occurred on January 16 2018 started as cold rain for several hours before changing to a wintry mix and then eventually sleet and snow Temperatures started in the low-mid 30s and quickly dropped to the 20s in the afternoon and before dipping into the teens by the evening/overnight hours which caused all the rain to turn to ice accumulating a thickness up to 1' on some roads bridges overpasses making it one of the worst winter storms in the history of the state, 9 Emergency Services When World War II started tonnage levels at the port decreased and shipping activities were suspended; however the war did provide economic benefits for the city Petrochemical refineries and manufacturing plants were constructed along the ship channel because of the demand for petroleum and synthetic rubber products by the defense industry during the war. Ellington Field initially built during World War I was revitalized as an advanced training center for bombardiers and navigators the Brown Shipbuilding Company was founded in 1942 to build ships for the U.S Navy during World War II Due to the boom in defense jobs thousands of new workers migrated to the city both blacks and whites competing for the higher-paying jobs President Roosevelt had established a policy of nondiscrimination for defense contractors and blacks gained some opportunities especially in shipbuilding although not without resistance from whites and increasing social tensions that erupted into occasional violence Economic gains of blacks who entered defense industries continued in the postwar years. Sack-O-Grande Acroport (also known as Harbican Airport) is located in western unincorporated Harris County, the civilizations of Mesoamerica centered south of Texas the influence of Teotihuacan in northern Mexico peaked around AD 500 and declined over the 8th to 10th centuries. .
Galveston Bay, Wikisource has original text related to this article:, 6.5 Advances in technology and warfare 7 Education. Agriculture and mining Wildlife La Porte Municipal Airport in La Porte 13 References. . The Anahuac Disturbances in 1832 were the first open revolt against Mexican rule and they coincided with a revolt in Mexico against the nation's president. Texians sided with the federalists against the current government and drove all Mexican soldiers out of East Texas. They took advantage of the lack of oversight to agitate for more political freedom Texians met at the Convention of 1832 to discuss requesting independent statehood among other issues the following year Texians reiterated their demands at the Convention of 1833, Houston Dynamo MLS Soccer BBVA Compass Stadium 2012 22,039 15 John Whitmire Democratic 1983 Northwest Houston Bush IAH southern portion of Humble eastern Harris County. After a failed attempt to convince Spanish authorities to reestablish missions in Texas in 1711 Franciscan missionary Francisco Hidalgo approached the French governor of Louisiana for help the French governor sent representatives to meet with Hidalgo This concerned Spanish authorities who ordered the reoccupation of Texas as a buffer between New Spain and French settlements in Louisiana in 1716 four missions and a presidio were established in East Texas Accompanying the soldiers were the first recorded female settlers in Spanish Texas. Deer Park ISD, (33.7) 89.1 The Houston City Hall building constructed in 1938-1939 is an example of Works Progress Administration architecture the simply designed structure featured many construction details that have helped to make this building an architectural classic the design on the lobby floor depicts the protective role of government the doors feature historical figures including Thomas Jefferson Julius Caesar and Moses. Above the lobby entrance is a stone sculpture depicting two men taming a wild horse the sculpture meant to symbolize a community coming together to form a government to tame the world around them the plaster cast for this sculpture and twenty-seven casts for friezes around the building were done by Beaumont artist Herring Coe and co-designer Raoul Jassett, Main article: Pacific War.