Senators Name Party First Elected Level Houston Texas Business Directory, Tomball ISD Geology The most commonly abused substance in Texas is alcohol the rate of binge drinking in males in Texas is comparable to that of males in the United States in 2017 22.4% of adult males in Texas reported binge drinking as compared to 22.1% of males in the United States. Less than 12% of females adults in Texas reported binge drinking. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can lead to a variety of health issues including liver damage heart problems cancer and depression. Further 61% of high school students in Texas have tried alcohol and 17% of Texas high school students had their first drink before the age of 13! .
. (41) 104 1.4 June 15 1976 "The Rainout", In 2004 the Astrodome was the setting of the 1988 5A Football State Championship in the movie Friday Night Lights between the Permian Panthers and the Carter High Cowboys! The city has hosted several major professional and college sporting events including the annual Houston Open golf tournament Houston hosts the annual Houston College Classic baseball tournament every February and the Texas Kickoff and Bowl in September and December respectively; .