Texas lies at the juncture of two major cultural spheres of Pre-Columbian North America the Southwestern and the Plains areas the area now covered by Texas was occupied by three major indigenous cultures which had reached their developmental peak before the arrival of European explorers and are known from archaeology These are:; 4.2 Basketball Employment Ever since the discovery of oil at Spindletop energy has been a dominant force politically and economically within the state. If Texas were its own country it would be the sixth largest oil producer in the world.
AT&T Stadium home of the Dallas Cowboys Texas has made a strong mark on national and international pop culture the entire state is strongly associated with the image of the cowboy shown in westerns and in country western music the state's numerous oil tycoons are also a popular pop culture topic as seen in the hit TV series Dallas. Sandy Duncan Henderson Rusk County and Tyler Smith County While technological superiority and cultural factors played an important role in the victories of the conquistadors in the Americas their conquest was greatly facilitated by old world diseases: smallpox chicken pox diphtheria typhus influenza measles malaria and yellow fever the diseases were carried to distant tribes and villages This typical path of disease transmission moved much faster than the conquistadors so that as they advanced resistance weakened.[citation needed] Epidemic disease is commonly cited as the primary reason for the population collapse the American natives lacked immunity to these infections. (33.8) 92.7 Sports 1910 115,693 81.4% Introduction 1 Real estate and corporate location.
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