Alamo The front of a brick building; the top of the building appears torn off Around the arched doorway are four niches now empty There are two small square windows Although Texas was essentially a one-party state during this time and the Democratic primary was viewed as "the real election," the Democratic Party had conservative and liberal factions which became more pronounced after the New Deal. Additionally several factions of the party briefly split during the 1930s and 1940s. . . 15 Bibliography High rise brick flat-roofed hotel with three wings of equal size resting on the base provided by the first two floors. .
Timber Meadows Cypress Spanish galleons travelled across the Pacific Ocean between Acapulco in Mexico and Manila, Main article: Geography of Houston 3.2 Astrodome Indoor City Park Although Christopher Columbus was credited with the discovery of the Americas by Europeans the ships in his four voyages never reached the Gulf of Mexico Instead Columbus sailed into the Caribbean around Cuba and Hispaniola the first European exploration of the Gulf of Mexico was by Amerigo Vespucci in 1497 He followed the coastal land mass of Central America before returning to the Atlantic Ocean via the Straits of Florida between Florida and Cuba in his letters Vespucci described this trip and once Juan de la Cosa returned to Spain a famous world map depicting Cuba as an island was produced! . Juan Valiente was born West Africa and purchased by Portuguese traders from African slavers Around 1530 he was purchased by Alonso Valiente to be a slaved domestic servant in Puebla Mexico in 1533 Juan Valiente made a deal with his owner to allow him to be a conquistador for four years with the agreement that all earnings would come back to Alonso He fought for many years in Chile and Peru by 1540 he was a captain horseman and partner in Juan de Valdivia's company in Chile He was later awarded an estate in Santiago; a city he would help Valdivia found Both Alonso and Valiente tried to contact the other to make an agreement about Valiente's manumision and send Alonso his awarded money They were never able to reach each other and Valiente died in 1553 in the Battle of Tucapel, According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center 73% of the population of the Houston area identified themselves as Christians about 50% of whom claimed Protestant affiliations and about 19% claimed Roman Catholic affiliations Nationwide about 71% of respondents identified as Christians About 20% of Houston-area residents claimed no religious affiliation compared to about 23% nationwide the same study says that area residents identifying with other religions (including Judaism Buddhism Islam and Hinduism) collectively made up about 7% of the area population, Beginning around the mid-20th century Texas began to transform from a rural and agricultural state to one that was urban and industrialized the state's population grew quickly during this period with large levels of migration from outside the state. As a part of the Sun Belt Texas experienced strong economic growth particularly during the 1970s and early 1980s. Texas's economy diversified lessening its reliance on the petroleum industry by 1990 Hispanics overtook blacks to become the largest minority group in the state. . !
Little Havana Medical Center