10.7 Legislative responses County governments serve as agents of the state with responsibilities defined in the Texas Constitution Counties are governed by the commissioners' court Each Texas county has four precinct commissioners and a county judge Although this body is called a court it conducts the general business of the county and oversees financial matters the commissioners court may hire personnel to run major departments such as health and human services. . . ! Jacinto City After Texas was readmitted to the Union on April 16 1870 Houston continued its growth Houston became a port of entry on July 16 1870 Its new charter drew up eight wards Many freed slaves opened businesses and worked under contracts the Freedmen's Bureau stopped abuse of the contracts in 1870 Many African Americans at the time were in unskilled labor Many former slaves legalized their marriages after the American Civil War White legislators insisted on segregated schools After white Democrats regained power in the state legislature in the late 1870s they began to pass laws to make voter registration more complicated with the effect of disfranchising African Americans the elections of 1876 were accompanied in many southern states with fraud and violence to suppress black voting As white Democrats secured their power they passed Jim Crow laws to establish and enforce legal segregation across the state. . Near the coast the land is low and extremely flat and often marshy the Piney Woods extend into the Northern parts of Southeast Texas reaching as far south as the rice paddies and marshlands that lie between Houston and Beaumont the highest point on the coast is at High Island where a salt dome raises the elevation to around 40 feet (12 m)!
The German Reichstag after its capture by the Allied forces 3 June 1945 Western Gulf of Mexico which is located between Veracruz to the south and the Rio Grande to the north. Voter turnout (voting age population) Hurricanes 5 Geography 2.2 Water bodies Houston Texas Business Directory. Other municipalities in Harris County may provide their own fire service or may be part of an Emergency Service District that provides service for the city Cities with municipal fire departments include:, Benito Mussolini inspecting troops during the Italo-Ethiopian War 1935 147 Garnet Coleman Democratic 1990 Downtown Houston inner southeastern portions of Houston (mainly west of I-45) Eastern Montrose Midtown Third Ward; By 1913 twelve oil companies had located themselves in Houston most notably Humble Oil Company which is now ExxonMobil Howard Hughes was born in Humble Texas where the oil company started President Woodrow Wilson opened the Port of Houston in 1914 74 years after the digging started Service started with the Satilla a ship that ran from Houston to New York New York World War I put the gasoline-combustible automobile into widespread use causing oil to become a precious commodity However the war caused the amount of tonnage arriving in the Port to drop After the war the rice business fell flat causing many Japanese-Americans to find other work or to move out of Texas, Climate Tactics East Texans are predominantly Protestant Christians expressing their faith as members of many denominations: Baptist (particularly Southern Baptist) Methodist Presbyterian Lutheran Pentecostal and others Catholicism continues to have influence particularly with an increased Hispanic population in recent decades Other religions with smaller numbers but with adherents in East Texas include Mormonism and Judaism, Museum of Fine Arts Houston Main article: Battle of San Jacinto! According to the Energy Information Administration Texans consume on average the fifth most energy (of all types) in the nation per capita and as a whole following behind Wyoming Alaska Louisiana North Dakota and Iowa, 4 Spanish exploration In the mid-to-late 1930s Japanese forces in Manchukuo had sporadic border clashes with the Soviet Union and Mongolia the Japanese doctrine of Hokushin-ron which emphasised Japan's expansion northward was favoured by the Imperial Army during this time With the Japanese defeat at Khalkin Gol in 1939 the ongoing Second Sino-Japanese War and ally Nazi Germany pursuing neutrality with the Soviets this policy would prove difficult to maintain Japan and the Soviet Union eventually signed a Neutrality Pact in April 1941 and Japan adopted the doctrine of Nanshin-ron promoted by the Navy which took its focus southward eventually leading to its war with the United States and the Western Allies, In 1900 Texas suffered the deadliest natural disaster in U.S history during the Galveston hurricane on January 10 1901 the first major oil well in Texas Spindletop was found south of Beaumont Other fields were later discovered nearby in East Texas West Texas and under the Gulf of Mexico the resulting "oil boom" transformed Texas. Oil production eventually averaged three million barrels per day at its peak in 1972. 9 Secrecy and disinformation Ever since the discovery of oil at Spindletop energy has been a dominant force politically and economically within the state. If Texas were its own country it would be the sixth largest oil producer in the world. Navigation The Texas State Capitol at night Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett Democratic. .
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