(17) 63 Heat and humidity in Houston make air conditioning important in day-to-day life. Most indoor workers spend the hottest part of the day in air conditioning After World War II air conditioning stimulated the growth of Houston called the most air-conditioned city in the world in 1950 for construction workers landscapers and others who must work outdoors there is little relief from the summer heat and humidity Industrial workers automobile mechanics and others who usually work in non-air conditioned indoor spaces often rely on large electric fans to provide some relief, Many annual events celebrate the diverse cultures of Houston the largest and longest-running is the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo held over 20 days from early to late March and is the largest annual livestock show and rodeo in the world. Another large celebration is the annual night-time Houston Gay Pride Parade held at the end of June. Other notable annual events include the Houston Greek Festival Art Car Parade the Houston Auto Show the Houston International Festival and the Bayou City Art Festival which is considered to be one of the top five art festivals in the United States, 134 Sarah Davis Republican 2010 Inner western portions of Houston (including Meyerland River Oaks and Memorial Park) Texas Medical Center West University Place Bellaire Southside Place Western Montrose. On December 13 2007 Mexico submitted information to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) regarding the extension of Mexico's continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. Mexico sought an extension of its continental shelf in the Western Polygon based on international law UNCLOS and bilateral treaties with the United States in accordance with Mexico's domestic legislation on March 13 2009 the CLCS accepted Mexico's arguments for extending its continental shelf up to 350 NM into the Western Polygon Since this would extend Mexico's continental shelf well into territory claimed by the United States however Mexico and the U.S would need to enter a bilateral agreement based on international law that delimits their respective claims, Houston Texas Business Directory Occurrences of freezing rain also known as ice storms are more common than snow in Houston Some of the most recent ice storms occurred in 1997 2007 February 4 2011 and January 16 2018 an overnight event occurred from January 23 2014 to January 24 another significant icing occurred a few days later on January 28 and a third event took place on March 4 These storms can be very disruptive since road crews are not equipped to handle such rare events over the city's expansive size. When ice occurs roads and schools are usually closed the city's Office of Emergency Management encourages driver's to "avoid driving unless absolutely necessary. if roadways are at risk of icing." Typically such ice storms affect mainly the northern/western areas of the metro while the southern/eastern areas are left with just cold rain the ice storm that occurred on January 16 2018 started as cold rain for several hours before changing to a wintry mix and then eventually sleet and snow Temperatures started in the low-mid 30s and quickly dropped to the 20s in the afternoon and before dipping into the teens by the evening/overnight hours which caused all the rain to turn to ice accumulating a thickness up to 1' on some roads bridges overpasses making it one of the worst winter storms in the history of the state. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston the largest Catholic jurisdiction in Texas and fifth-largest in the United States was established in 1847 the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston claims approximately 1.7 million Catholics within its boundaries, Black or African American 25.7% 25.3% 28.1% 25.7% Bay of Campeche which is an isthmian embayment extending from the western edge of Campeche Bank to the offshore regions just east of the port of Veracruz. . The civilizations of Mesoamerica centered south of Texas the influence of Teotihuacan in northern Mexico peaked around AD 500 and declined over the 8th to 10th centuries, 9 Citations While American football has long been considered "king" in the state Texans enjoy a wide variety of sports. The Allies had mixed success in mainland Asia in March 1944 the Japanese launched the first of two invasions an operation against British positions in Assam India and soon besieged Commonwealth positions at Imphal and Kohima in May 1944 British forces mounted a counter-offensive that drove Japanese troops back to Burma by July and Chinese forces that had invaded northern Burma in late 1943 besieged Japanese troops in Myitkyina the second Japanese invasion of China aimed to destroy China's main fighting forces secure railways between Japanese-held territory and capture Allied airfields by June the Japanese had conquered the province of Henan and begun a new attack on Changsha in Hunan province, 3 History District 10 Michael McCaul Republican 2004 Northwest, 1,3-butadiene - cancer and reproductive effects This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Conquistadors praying before a battle at Tenochtitlan Est 2018 2,464,124 17.3% World War II deaths 15 References Autumn Multiracial individuals are also a visible minority in Texas People identifying as multiracial form 1.9 percent of the population and number over 448,000 people Almost 80,000 Texans claim African and European heritage and make up 0.3 percent of the population People of European and American Indian ancestry number over 108,800 (close to the number of Native Americans) and make up 0.5 percent of the population People of European and Asian ancestry number over 57,600 and form just 0.2 percent of the population People of African and Native American ancestry were even smaller in number (15,300) and make up just 0.1 percent of the total population. .
The Astrodome was conceived by Hofheinz as early as 1952 when he and his daughter Dede were rained out once too often at Buffalo Stadium home of Houston's minor league baseball team the Houston Buffs Hofheinz abandoned his interest in the world's first air-conditioned shopping mall the Galleria and set his sights on bringing major league baseball to Houston, The present Alley Theatre building opened in November 1968 and contains two stages the main stage has 824 seats and is called the "Hubbard"; the more intimate 310-seat stage is the "Neuhaus." Outside there are nine towers and open-air terraces Inside a staircase spirals from the entrance vestibule to the second-floor lobby the theatre was constructed in a large part by a $1.4 million grant from the Ford Foundation to support innovative theater architecture and the prime architect on the project was Ulrich Franzen, Humble 4 Spanish exploration Taxation In 1697 Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville sailed for France and was chosen by the Minister of Marine to lead an expedition to rediscover the mouth of the Mississippi River and to colonize Louisiana which the English coveted Iberville's fleet sailed from Brest on October 24 1698 on January 25 1699 Iberville reached Santa Rosa Island in front of Pensacola founded by the Spanish; he sailed from there to Mobile Bay and explored Massacre Island later renamed Dauphin Island He cast anchor between Cat Island and Ship Island; and on February 13 1699 he went to the mainland Biloxi with his brother Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville on May 1 1699 he completed a fort on the north-east side of the Bay of Biloxi a little to the rear of what is now Ocean Springs Mississippi This fort was known as Fort Maurepas or Old Biloxi a few days later on May 4 Pierre Le Moyne sailed for France leaving his teenage brother Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne as second in command to the French commandant. 1970s and integration The Chapel of St Basil "Surrender of Santa Anna" by William Henry Huddle shows the Mexican president and general surrendering to a wounded Sam Houston battle of San Jacinto. . . 12.1 Navigation By mid-November the Germans had nearly taken Stalingrad in bitter street fighting the Soviets began their second winter counter-offensive starting with an encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad and an assault on the Rzhev salient near Moscow though the latter failed disastrously by early February 1943 the German Army had taken tremendous losses; German troops at Stalingrad had been forced to surrender and the front-line had been pushed back beyond its position before the summer offensive in mid-February after the Soviet push had tapered off the Germans launched another attack on Kharkov creating a salient in their front line around the Soviet city of Kursk.
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